Research Data Request

Need Data for Research?

Researchers have several options to query clinical data for research purposes to assist in recruitment, chart review, or complex feasibility analysis (data preparatory for research). There are two methods to access MUSC’s electronic medical data for research: 1) Self-Service, 2) Honest Broker Services.

Method 1 Self Service Tools - For De-Identified Patient Counts

Epic SlicerDicer:

Epic users may complete required MyQuest training to access SlicerDicer for research. This tool allows de-identified query access to all patients available in Epic (Ambulatory 5/2012, Emergency 11/2012, Inpatient 7/2014).

i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside and TriNetX):

MUSC faculty and sponsored staff members may also access our i2b2 or TriNetX Query Tool. All non-faculty users must be sponsored by a MUSC faculty member; please send a completed i2b2 Sponsorship Form (Standard PDF) / (Electronic PDF) to  Access is generally granted within 1 to 2 business days.


Method 2 Honest Broker Services - For Identified Data Access & More Complex De-identified Queries

In order to get the data request process started, you will need to submit a “Data Delivery Services” service request through the SPARC system. Below is a screen shot on how to locate the “Data Delivery Services” service in SPARC.

Screenshot of SPARC when Data Delivery Services is selected. Captured on March 14, 2024.

Once you select the service and click “Continue” you will be taken through several steps where you will be prompted to enter information about your study. When you have provided all of the necessary information you will be brought to a final screen where you will click “Submit to Start Services”.

Upon submitting your service request in SPARC, you will be contacted by a research data request administrator who will provide the link to a BMIC Intake REDCap survey. With the information you provide in this form, we will be able to triage your request to the appropriate analyst to schedule your Pre-Data Request Consultation.

Please do not hesitate to contact the SCTR SUCCESS center (792-8300, if you have any questions or would like any assistance with this process.

Need Data for a Quality Improvement Project?

The data access process is different. Determine if your project is quality improvement here.