Message From Dr. Scott Reeves

The Department of Anesthesia's “can-do” mentality along with all that our beautiful city has to offer creates a wonderful environment in which to train, work and live.

Read The Chair's Message

Anesthesia Residency Application & Selection Process

Applying to the Program

Senior medical students may apply for a four-year residency position at MUSC through the National Residency Match Program (NRMP) using the ERAS system.

To apply to the Anesthesiology Residency at MUSC, please submit a completed Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) application, including:

  • Medical school transcripts (copies will suffice; need not be official).
  • Official test transcripts for all applicable examinations (USMLE, LMCC, COMLEX, NBOME, FMGEMS, FLEX or NBME).
  • A Dean's letter along with three other letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with your professional qualifications.
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • A personal statement.

Applicants for fellowship programs must also provide a copy of their most recent ABA In-Training Examination (ITE) scores and a letter from their anesthesiology residency program director.

Resident Interview & Selection Process


We are excited that you are considering our program. Our goal during this process is to have a low-stress environment where you can get to know our department and we can get to know you. 

Interviews are mandatory for anyone wanting to train at MUSC. We have a formal interview selection process.Thus, we urge early completion of all of the ERAS documents, including letters of recommendation, as we have a limited number of interview spots and we cannot offer every qualified candidate an interview. Delays in submitting your ERAS materials may put you at a disadvantage for gaining an interview spot.

Selection Process

The Department searches for applicants who have demonstrated an excellent work ethic, have wide-ranging life experiences and interests, and also show promise in their scholarly abilities. We are seeking mature, highly motivated individuals with excellent interpersonal skills, the highest ethical standards, and the desire and ability to be leaders in the field of anesthesiology. We do not require prior research experience, but interest and demonstrated ability in a particular area relevant to anesthesiology and critical care medicine is a plus.

Overall, applicants are assessed on their educational track record, life accomplishments, evaluations, letters of recommendation, and our exposure to them during the interview process.

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