T32 Call for PUFFINS Applications

The Pulmonary Focused Foundations in Innovation and Scholarship program is accepting applications for MD or PhD postdoctoral fellows involved in research projects relevant to pulmonary diseases.  Projects can span the spectrum from bench to bedside, including basic research, translational research, clinical research, clinical trials and health service research.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, have a MD, PhD or equivalent advanced degree, and have a sponsoring mentor at MUSC. Women and individuals from varied backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.

Fellowship is for one year, with potential for a second year of support.

Applicant Information

With Area Code.

Information required to determine T32 elgibility
Application Files
In your Personal Statement (no more than 1 page), please discuss your choice of mentor and project, review your career goals and summarize why you believe you are a suitable candidate.
Please include a letter of support from your mentor.