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Sarah W. Book, M.D.

Dr. Book is the Director of the Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory- which conducts urine and blood testing of biomarkers of substance use. She is also actively involved in mentoring future clinicians who will be taking care of patients with substance use disorders with and without anxiety or mood problems, as well as research trainees.

Profile of William Griffin 

William C. Griffin, Ph.D.

Dr. Griffin is the Associate Director of the Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory. He manages the day-to-day operations of the laboratory and serves as a liaison within the Clinical Trials and Innovation Sciences Program, which supports investigator initiated clinical trials. In addition, he develops new assays using state of the art Mass Spectrometry methods to support research and clinical operations in the department. Examples include assays for the primary metabolite of cannabis use (THC-COOH) and cannabidiol (CBD). Another assay under development will quantify a direct metabolite of alcohol (phosphatidylethanol).