Meducare Helicopter and Crew

Department of Emergency Medicine

Welcome to the Medical University of South Carolina's Emergency Medicine Department in Charleston, South Carolina. Our mission is to provide exceptional, evidence-based emergency care that saves lives and improves patient outcomes while advancing the field through research, education, and innovation. We are committed to delivering compassionate and comprehensive care to patients from various backgrounds, fostering a culture of excellence, and serving as a leader in emergency medical education and research.

Our goal is to align the three pillars of Academic Medicine; clinical care, education, and research in an integrated emergency care system that addresses the rapidly changing Health care needs of our patients.

"First choice in the Delivery, Education, and Advancement of Emergency Medicine"

Clinical Care is the fundamental corner stone, and first pillar, to our program. We provide critical emergency services at the Main Adult Emergency Department and the Ashley River Tower (ART) Emergency Department not found elsewhere in the region. MUSC is the only level 1 adult and pediatric trauma centers credentialed by the American College of Surgeons in the state. Similarly, MUSC provides the highest level of comprehensive cerebrovascular care throughout the south. Tertiary care services are available for all conditions, making MUSC the state's quaternary care center. The MUSC Pediatric Emergency Department is similarly a regional tertiary care center providing the highest level of care to children & adolescents throughout the state and the front door to the MUSC Children's Hospital. Our commitment to compassionate care is not limited to the Lowcountry. Emergency Medicine has partnered with the MUSC Center for Global Health and OneWorldHealth to provide care across the globe with particular program focus on the countries of Burundi, Nicaragua, and Uganda.

Education is the second pillar of our program. Our residency program continues to recruit phenomenal physicians to join our program. Our residency and fellowship training programs are engaging, interactive and widely recognized on the national level for the quality of the teaching and education. Our faculty have extensive experience in a multitude of specialties, including: simulation, emergency ultrasound, global health, critical care, informatics, hospital administration, EMS, toxicology, and research. Our residents are well prepared for their Emergency Medicine futures regardless of which career path they choose.

Emergency Medicine Research is the third pillar of our program and continues to grow exponentially. Our Division received a NIH/NINDS StrokeNet Regional Coordinating Center award for SC-CoAST which creates collaboration to perform cutting edge research in cerebrovascular emergencies. Additional funded research areas include cardiology, toxicology, infectious disease, informatics, and neurosciences. Residents and fellows are encouraged to participate in research, and research methodology is a critical part of the residency curriculum.

MUSC Emergency Medicine is a leader in Emergency Care throughout the state and region and is committed to providing compassionate and expert care to our patients. Thank you for your interest in our program.

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