Incoming College of Medicine Students

Information for Incoming M.D. Students

Welcome to the College of Medicine of the Medical University of South Carolina! It is our intent during your time here at MUSC to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and humility required to serve others. You will grow in many ways, but in none more important than the understanding that your learning will never end as you enter the profession of medicine. In preparation for this journey, please take a few minutes to review the items below and check back often for updates.

We're excited to welcome you to the Class of 2029!

Matriculation Timeline

Student Health Insurance

MUSC requires all students to maintain health insurance as a condition of enrollment. Please visit the MUSC Student Health Insurance website to familiarize yourself with benefits, costs, deadlines, etc. You are encouraged to choose an insurance plan that best meets your needs. Your tuition account will be automatically charged each semester for the new school-sponsored student health insurance plan through BlueCross BlueShield.

The MUSC Academic Health Plan (AHP) website will go live Summer 2023 (typically late June) with insurance plans and information for the upcoming semester. Incoming students can initiate insurance enrollment or decline coverage after this time via the MUSC My AHP website. Students who wish to decline coverage must submit a waiver via the My AHP Care website to decline the coverage and provide proof of insurance. A waiver of insurance must be submitted each semester to continue declining coverage.

Use of Marijuana and/or CBD Products

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug and is illegal to purchase in South Carolina. Apart from a narrow and limited scope of codified/documented medical exceptions, it is illegal for individuals to use marijuana/tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in South Carolina, even if purchased legally in another state. Although cannabidiol (CBD) products may be purchased and used in South Carolina, please be aware that CBD products may contain higher levels of THC than represented on packaging and use of CBD products can result in a positive drug screen for THC/marijuana. Be aware that current drug testing methods cannot accurately ascertain the origins of THC metabolites (i.e., whether from marijuana or CBD products). Your academic program has the authority to conduct random and/or scheduled drug testing; if your test result is reported as positive for THC metabolites (even if you only used a CBD product), your ability to be accepted into the program, progress in the program, and/or successfully complete the program may be negatively impacted.

Campus Virtual Tour

MUSC campus map

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