Incoming College of Medicine Students

Information for Incoming M.D. Students

Welcome to the College of Medicine of the Medical University of South Carolina! It is our intent during your time here at MUSC to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and humility required to serve others. You will grow in many ways, but in none more important than the understanding that your learning will never end as you enter the profession of medicine. In preparation for this journey, please take a few minutes to review the items below and check back often for updates.

We're excited to welcome you to the Class of 2029!

Matriculation Timeline

Second Look Weekend: March-April, 2025

  • Information to come

Affording Medical School - Please visit the COM Scholarship & Aid Opportunities for insight into internal, external and contractual scholarships.

AAMC Choose Your Medical School - April 15, 2025

Applicants must use CYMS through AMCAS to narrow their acceptance offers to three schools, using the Plan to Enroll option. Applicants must notify the MUSC College of Medicine Office of Admissions ( if they are no longer planning to enroll at MUSC.

AAMC Choose Your Medical School - April 30, 2025

All students can stay in the “Plan to enroll” until the date specified by individual schools and remain on Alternate lists.

“Commit to enroll” becomes available to applicants in the AMCAS Choose your Medical School tool on AMCAS on April 30, 2025. Applicants at this point can use the Commit to Enroll option if they are ready to make their final selection and inform the other schools where they may be holding other offers that they are withdrawing from that school. Using Commit to Enroll does NOT automatically withdraw applicants from other schools. Applicants must notify the MUSC College of Medicine Office of Admissions ( if they are no longer planning to enroll at MUSC.

AAMC Choose Your Medical School - May 2, 2025

Applicants should narrow their acceptance offers to one, with no limit on the number of alternate list offers they may hold.

MUSC COM Admissions Deposit Refund - May 15, 2025

To receive a full refund of the MUSC College of Medicine deposit, applicants must submit a formal withdrawal request to no later than May 15, 2025. Withdrawal requests received after this date will forfeit full deposit.

AAMC Choose Your Medical School Commit to Enroll deadline - June 24, 2025

The deadline date is specific for the MUSC College of Medicine and is the date by which applicants offered admission to the MUSC College of Medicine must indicate Commit to Enroll, if they are planning to enroll at MUSC by using the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School tool. Applicants must withdraw from any other schools if they are holding multiple acceptances and inform those schools by email of their withdrawal. Applicants must meet this deadline or may risk having their offer of admission to the MUSC College of Medicine rescinded. Applicants must notify the MUSC College of Medicine Office of Admissions ( if they are no longer planning to enroll at MUSC.

MUSC NetID/emails - Upon matriculation, students will be assigned a NetID in early Spring 2025. Please make sure you have received the information for your NET ID and MUSC email by Summer 2025.  After having paid your deposit, if you do not receive your NetID or have questions, please contact

New Student Info Form (MUSC NetID required) - Due in June.

MSQ - Please complete the Matriculating Student Questionnaire (MSQ) survey, which is administered annually by the AAMC to all first-year medical students. If you were accepted to an MD program in the U.S. in 2024-25 and have not yet received your MSQ link, email

Student Policy Modules – You will receive an email Summer 2025 confirming your enrollment in the courses “COM Educational Policies for Students” and “MUSC All Students General Mandatory.” Each course is made up of several modules, each containing important policies related to the MUSC University, College of Medicine and your curriculum. You must complete both sets of training before the first day of classes.

MUSC Off-Campus Housing - Please visit the MUSC Off-Campus Housing webpage for assistance with arranging housing. There is also information for students to find roommates, if needed.

  • Flood Zones - Charleston is located along the Atlantic Coastal region and is subject to flooding from heavy rains and high tides. When researching off-campus housing options, you're encouraged to verify the flood zone by visiting the Charleston County Flood Zone webpage and check with property managers.

Student Health - Upon receiving your MUSC NetID, please complete the Student Health Packet information. For help with questions about the student health forms or concerns please email

Deadline: August 1 

Student Health Insurance - MUSC requires all students to maintain health insurance as a condition of enrollment. You are encouraged to choose an insurance plan that best meets your needs. Your tuition account will be automatically charged each semester for the new school-sponsored student health insurance plan through BlueCross BlueShield.

Social Events hosted by COM Orientation Team

Humanities Book Discussion - As part of the medical school’s commitment to professional development, professional identity formation, and humanism in medicine, all students participate in a required humanities book discussion during orientation. Information will be sent in the summer. 

Laptop Requirements- All incoming medical students are required to purchase a portable or laptop computer. Campus buildings are wireless-enabled, with access your campus email, student-related information, course materials, and other important web-based resources at any time using your laptop. Please visit the COM Student Technology website for a list of minimum requirements and recommendations.

GIFT Pre-Matriculation Program - July, 2025 (Date TBA)
The Getting Integrated and Fully Transitioned (GIFT) into medical school program is designed to support your upcoming transition to the academic and social challenges of medical school while introducing you to key members of the MUSC College of Medicine community. Event details were shared via email.
GIFT Program Registration

Class of 2029 Orientation course on Brightspace – As students submit deposits and receive NetIDs, they will be added to the course, which has important information to review before orientation. Please note that more information will be added over the summer so keep checking back for updates.

Class of 2029 Orientation course on Brightspace – As students submit deposits and receive NetIDs, they will be added to the course, which has important information to review before orientation. Please note that more information will be added over the summer so keep checking back for updates.

Orientation and White Coat Ceremony

  • New Student Orientation: August 16, 2025
  • White Coat Ceremony: August, 2025 (Date TBA)
    Please visit the MUSC Hotel Discounts and MUSC Campus Travel web pages for assistance.
  • Curriculum Orientation: August, 2025 (Date TBA)

College of Medicine Technical Standards - Request disability-related accommodations through the Office of Equity by filling out the Student Accommodations Request Form and submitting supplemental documentation. It is recommended that you request accommodations as early as possible. To read more about the procedure for requesting accommodations, please visit the Steps to Request Accommodations web page.

Required Textbooks - All required textbooks for the first two semesters of the preclerkship curriculum are available free to you online through the MUSC Library’s. Though you may wish to buy a copy of Anatomy Atlas later in the fall semester, please wait until the end of Block 1 and the advice from the anatomy faculty before making any purchases. Each of you will also receive a physical diagnosis equipment kit and stethoscope so you do not need to purchase anything at this time.

Transportation - MUSC offers a variety of transportation methods to navigate campus. Please visit the MUSC Transportation website for more information on the following:

  • Biking: MUSC and the City of Charleston are very walkable and bikeable. Students living downtown often bike to campus using bike racks conveniently located across campus.
  • MUSC Shuttles and CARTA buses: Students are CARTA Buses are free to use for all MUSC students/employees. Simply show your MUSC badge upon boarding. The Charleston Area Regional Transport Authority (CARTA) offers an express (park and ride) bus service, fixed-route services, and a downtown shuttle. Info and schedules on the CARTA website.

Parking - Students can start to sign up for parking on the first day of classes. Parking on campus is limited, and is assigned on a first come, first serve system. For alternative parking options please contact one of the COM-Team Co-Chairs for recommendations.

Academic Coaching Programs (PDF) - Academic Coaches are preclerkship faculty identified based on their understanding of the FLEX curriculum and proven experience and success in guiding students through the rigors of medical school. The assignment of an academic coach to each student is intended to provide an immediate point-of-contact for the student and to ensure that each student is connected to all of the available resources. Our goal is to assist you in reaching your personal goals.

COM Team Peer Mentoring Program (PDF) - The purpose of the COM TEAM Program is to prepare medical students for academic success by integrating peer mentoring for support and guidance. All first year College of Medicine students are assigned to a COM TEAM group, consisting of nine students. Eighty second-year students are selected annually and are known as COM TEAM Leaders. The groups serve as support groups for orientation activities, during the first year and students engaged in team-based learning experiences in the Fundamentals of Patient Care (FPC) Theme, a curriculum requirement for year one.

Student Health Insurance

MUSC requires all students to maintain health insurance as a condition of enrollment. Please visit the MUSC Student Health Insurance website to familiarize yourself with benefits, costs, deadlines, etc. You are encouraged to choose an insurance plan that best meets your needs. Your tuition account will be automatically charged each semester for the new school-sponsored student health insurance plan through BlueCross BlueShield.

The MUSC Academic Health Plan (AHP) website will go live Summer 2023 (typically late June) with insurance plans and information for the upcoming semester. Incoming students can initiate insurance enrollment or decline coverage after this time via the MUSC My AHP website. Students who wish to decline coverage must submit a waiver via the My AHP Care website to decline the coverage and provide proof of insurance. A waiver of insurance must be submitted each semester to continue declining coverage.

Use of Marijuana and/or CBD Products

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug and is illegal to purchase in South Carolina. Apart from a narrow and limited scope of codified/documented medical exceptions, it is illegal for individuals to use marijuana/tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in South Carolina. Although cannabidiol (CBD) products may be purchased and used in South Carolina, please be aware that CBD products may contain higher levels of THC than represented on packaging and use of CBD products can result in a positive drug screen for THC/marijuana. Be aware that current drug testing methods cannot accurately ascertain the origins of THC metabolites (i.e., whether from marijuana or CBD products). Your academic program has the authority to conduct random and/or scheduled drug testing; if your test result is reported as positive for THC metabolites (even if you only used a CBD product), your ability to be accepted into the program, progress in the program, and/or successfully complete the program may be negatively impacted.

Campus Virtual Tour

MUSC campus map

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