
  • Resources

New Edition of the AMSER (Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology) - Guide to Applying for Radiology Residency

Residency Explorer Tool: the personalized tool allows students to compare residency programs and gauge their competitiveness and compatibility.

Navigating the Match as an Queer Applicant

Family Medicine Residency: Strolling through the Match

Residency Roadmap

  • NRMP Program Director Survey

The NRMP Program Director Survey contains helpful information about the key components of the "portfolio" that is needed for each specialty program. It also contains data on the USMLE Step 1, the value of Letters of Recommendation, and more.

  • MUSC Mapping for the Match Program

An internal data source for our rising fourth year students and career advisors to utilize for residency planning and specialty competitiveness. The Mapping for the Match program provides individualized comparative data, specialty match data, and specialty unmatched data. All students will be provided this information prior to their fourth year.

The Match Data Report documents matches by specialty and applicant type, applicant preferred specialty, trends in specialty competitiveness, and positions per active applicant. The report also includes every program that participated in the Match, along with the numbers of positions offered and filled.

Charting Outcomes in the Match highlight characteristics of U.S. MD Seniors who matched to their preferred specialty.

  • TEXAS STAR – Seeking Transparency in Application to Residency

As a participating institution, rising MUSC senior students have access to the TEXAS STAR survey data. Sponsored by the University of Texas Southwestern, the Texas STAR program (Seeking Transparency in Application to Residency) surveys MS4 students across numerous institutions post-match about their credentials, applications, interviews, and ultimate residency selections.  Because it is aggregate data across all specialties and from multiple participating medical schools, each individual student can compare their own credentials against those of students who received interviews and matched to various programs in the specialty they are interested in.  With this data in hand, senior students will better be able to target the list of residency applications to those programs for which they are competitive, cut down costs, and potentially decrease some of the uncertainty and anxiety of the residency application and match process.