Department of Public Health Sciences hero with group of students in robes.

Sickle Cell Disease Research

 Sickle-shaped red blood cells in people with this genetic disease cause clumping and damage to organs over time. 

Sickle Cell Research at MUSC

Since 2016, MUSC has been a part of the Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium (SCDIC), a research network working to improve the health and well-being of adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) in the United States.

Sickle Cell Community Hub Newsletter Cover 1 with link

Together with 8 other sites around the country (map), MUSC researchers began by asking members of the sickle cell community what they need for better routine care and quality of life. Answers to those questions highlighted issues with SCD care and suggested a variety of potential solutions to those issues. 

For example, patients told researchers about challenges with managing sickle cell disease on a daily basis, like sticking to medication routines and managing pain. They told researchers that general practitioners were often uncertain how to care for sickle cell patients, and emergency department doctors were sometimes unsure about pain management protocols.

Through ongoing research with patients and providers, the SCDIC is working to find solutions to these challenges.

The research is funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

Sickle Cell Community Hub Newsletter (PDF)


sickle cell research graphic

Want to be a part of Sickle Cell Research at MUSC?

We are currently recruiting people age 14+ who have sickle cell disease to participate in ongoing research.

Participation means filling out one survey per year for 5 years, and you can be paid for your time. For more information, 




Sickle Cell Community

Meet Nursing student and sickle cell patient Alaysia Soles: Advice to young people with SCD

Meet Dr. Sherron Jackson, recently retired pediatrician and researcher:  About reproductive health concerns with SCD