Office of Education & Training

2023 Psychiatry Program Graduates

2024 Psychiatry Programs Graduates

Front Row: Amelia Watson, Kasey Broom, Jesse Vanacore, Michael Seidman
Middle Row: Nancy Suarez-Tipton, Emily Amador, Neal Saini, Sam Howard
Back Row: Robert James, Manish Karamchandani, April Blackwood, Cordy McGill-Scarlett

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences here at the Medical University of South Carolina is widely known for its excellence in clinical careresearch, and teaching. Our psychiatry-based education and training programs include medical student courses throughout all four years of the curriculum, highly regarded residency and fellowship programs, and an impressive and highly competitive psychology internship program with numerous postdoctoral fellowship training opportunities. Our trainees have the opportunity to work alongside a dedicated and highly decorated faculty at our various training sites, including the University Hospital, Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital and Pearl Tourville Women's Pavillon, the VA Medical Center, several Community Mental Health Centers and, of course, our own Institute of Psychiatry.

We also have a broad array of opportunities to engage in meaningful research projects across psychiatry, behavioral medicine and the neurosciences.  Trainees work closely with interdisciplinary experts, gaining exposure and experience in cutting edge, highly relevant translational research and evidence-based clinical interventions. These serve as amazing windows into career options across the ever widening field of Psychiatry and the full array of Behavioral Sciences. Through innovative programs such as DART, we are able to engage trainees and students in research as summer exploration, to intensive projects integrated across their core training programs- all catered to their level of experience.

The Department’s Continuing Education group offers numerous recurring series and seminars each year, from a weekly Grand Rounds series, a major “Update in Psychiatry” conference each spring, to educational events tailored to a variety of interprofessional groups from Social Workers, Psychologists, Attorneys and Judges - to our patients, families and the general public.  

Not only is MUSC an outstanding and inspiring place to learn, we are located in one of the most beautiful, exciting and livable cities in the United States. Charleston is filled with varied culture and arts events, architectural, gardens, sports along with miles of beautiful rivers and beaches. The “Lowcountry" of South Carolina is a true national treasure drawing over four million visitors from all over the world. Located in downtown Charleston, MUSC is the oldest medical school in the south and just a short distance from the original (17th century) walled city of Charles Towne.

There are many reasons why the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, MUSC, and the Charleston area may be of interest to you as you take your next career steps. We invite you to explore our website, meet our people, and learn more about our large and engaging department, our Health System, and the Medical University as a whole.

With best regards,

Edward Kantor

Edward M. Kantor, M.D., DFAPA
Vice Chair for Education & Training Programs