AI to help organize a Cancer Genetics KnowledgeBase and build Clinical Decision Support tools

Our team is using human effort enhanced by Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language Processing to curate and annotate the World's knowledge regarding germline cancer genetics.

The medical literature on cancer genetics is extensive and growing rapidly. To understand, germline cancer genetics, we must identify what genes cause what cancers, and at what rate parentheses penetrance and parentheses. We have developed a classification model that identifies abstracts that denote the penetrance of gene cancer associations (working with Regina Barzilay’s Lab at MIT) and by full text annotation (working with Byron Wallace’s Lab at Northeastern).

This Cancer Genetics KnowledgeBase is being leveraged to build Clinical Decision Support tools that make that knowledge easily accessible and usable by Doctors and other providers managing these patients. Our ultimate goal is to decrease the morbidity and mortality of cancer.

Active tools

CRA Health         https://expresstwo.crahealth.com

Ask2Me.Org      http://www.Ask2Me.Org (Optimized for Edge Browser)

PDF Finder         https://pubmed-citation-search.herokuapp.com/

Tools being designed

Hereditary Cancer Management APP 

Cancer Genetics Follow-up APP

Specialty Specific Cancer Genetics Websites

Pubmed Article PDF Finder

Systematic literature reviews require the retrieval of scores of full text articles (PDFs).  Finding these full text versions of medical articles is time consuming. 

Our website allows a user to find the PubMed IDs (PMIDs) of papers that cite or are cited by a given paper and then download any freely available PDFs automatically, saving time and effort

Try this product by downloading it at https://pubmed-citation-search.herokuapp.com/