Individual Differences

The Medical University of South Carolina and the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center are equal opportunity employers. The major institutions that form the Charleston Consortium Internship Program have a historical commitment to equal opportunity, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, physical handicap, or sexual identity or orientation. The internship leaders and faculty strongly support the value of creating and maintaining an environment that is respectful of, and sensitive to a full range of individual and cultural differences.

Recruitment of interns and staff from varied individual backgrounds begins by endorsing the value of such heterogeneity. Beyond the possession of the requisite professional training and skills, internship leaders remain highly sensitive to the issue of recruiting interns, faculty, and staff from differing backgrounds. Background characteristics are never used as exclusionary criteria during the recruitment process; all qualified candidates are given due consideration for their respective positions.

We maintain a strong philosophical commitment to sensitivity and fairness with regard to individual and cultural differences. The development of sensitivity and skill, and regard for individual differences, are a major part of the ongoing learning process for interns. The program promotes an atmosphere of collegiality and mutual respect among all program participants.

Many international students assume that because our Consortium includes the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, they are not eligible to apply, or to complete rotations at the VA Medical Center. This is not correct. Although international students cannot be paid via some funding sources (e.g., VA stipends, National Institute of Health training grants), they are eligible to be paid by other sources available within our program. Furthermore, we impose no restrictions regarding the completion of individual rotations at VA training sites. We welcome applications from all research-oriented potential interns.

Our Individual Differences Training Committee (IDTC) is comprised of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, intern representatives, and staff from the Medical University of South Carolina and the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center. IDTC committee members are dedicated to providing quality training that adds meaningfully to interns’ experience at the Charleston Consortium by infusing training related to human heterogeneity into all aspects of the internship program, including clinical and research training seminars, supervision and mentorship, and available support and evaluation systems.

For interested Clinical Psychology Internship representatives:
All Charleston Consortium psychology interns are eligible. We highly value differing perspectives and training experiences that interns are able to bring to the committee. We solicit self-nominations at the end of the first month of internship, which can be submitted to IDTC co-chairs, Dr. Tatiana Davidson (, and Dr. Cristina Lopez ( Self-nominations should include a statement of a) prior experiences contributing to training, clinical work, or research related to human heterogeneity, and b) how joining the IDTC would contribute meaningfully to your professional development goals. Two to four intern representatives will be appointed by the second month of internship. Intern representatives will attend monthly IDTC committee meetings during a protected lunch hour time slot with the option of attending virtually. Intern representatives will also be expected to attend events/presentations sponsored by the IDTC, assist with completion of primary objectives and the collection of feedback from colleagues, and serve as a point of contact for concerns or ideas regarding internship/postdoctoral training efforts related to individual differences. The overall time commitment for the position is approximately 2-3 hours per month.


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