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Resident Research Rotations

PGY-3 residents complete a minimum of a three-month research rotation, with rotations scheduled to begin July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1 of each year. Rotations longer than three months are considered if requested well in advance of the start date. These extended durations must be strongly justified by the requirements of the research project.


Listed below is the timeline for becoming prepared for the research rotation.

  • In July/August, PGY-2 residents are encouraged to meet with faculty and become familiar with their ongoing research; tours of the research laboratories can be arranged. This occurs at least one year in advance of the start of the research rotations. Multiple clinical and basic research opportunities are available in all divisions and outside the Department. See the document HERE for a sample of recent research opportunities and mentors.

  • PGY-2 residents complete the CITI Course on Protection of Human Subjects and review the online SCTR Research Tools on IRB applications and informed consent.

  • In November, a packet with instructions and guidelines is distributed to each resident who will be completing a research rotation that year.

  • By January 1, PGY-2 residents identify a faculty sponsor (mentor) and inform the Resident Research Committee of their selection and the title and general topic of their proposed project. The research rotation should not be used exclusively for one or more retrospective (chart) reviews. Also at that time, decisions can be made about the order of the research rotations (July 1, October 1, January 1, April 1) and if more than three months is required for one or more of the projects.

  • By June 1, a five-page proposal describing the research project is submitted to the Resident Research Committee for their approval. The five-page proposal includes specific aims and hypotheses, background/significance, methods/procedures, data analysis, and a budget. The proposal is prepared by the resident with the mentor’s guidance and assistance. For residents who submitted AAO-HNS CORE Resident Research Grant applications, these applications can be used as the proposal, with two additional required sections (Statement of Career Goals, Current CV).

  • If necessary, funding of resident research projects is available from several sources, including the AAO-HNS CORE Grants Program. Funding arrangements should be included in the research proposal.


Additional information


  • Part of the preparation for the research rotation is a 15-20 minute presentation at the Resident Research Meeting, which is scheduled on the 4th Tuesday of April, August, and November at 7 am. Each resident is scheduled to present twice, once before the rotation starts to present the planned project, and a second time after completing of the rotation when results and future plans are presented. The schedule for the first presentation is determined after the order of the research rotations is finalized.

  • By agreeing to be a mentor, the faculty member assumes several responsibilities including a major commitment of time, willingness to provide adequate supervision, assistance with procuring required University approvals (i.e., IRB approval for use of human subjects or Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee for animals), and assuring the availability of facilities/equipment, hardware and funding.

  • At the conclusion of the research project, a publishable manuscript should be prepared and submitted to an appropriate professional/scientific journal. A presentation at a national scientific/professional meeting is also highly recommended.

  • During the research rotation, the resident will take call at a slightly reduced rate. The resident is not expected to provide clinical services on a daily basis, except in emergency situations. No more than one week of vacation can be taken during the research rotation.