Teens smiling and laughing

Our Programs

The National Crime Victims Research & Treatment Center operates a variety of programs conducting training, education, and community outreach not only locally for Charleston, but statewide and nationally.

Sexual Assault Services

Offers comprehensive mental health care to people who have experienced sexual assault and connects people to medical health care.

Charleston Teen & Family EMPOWERR Program

Providing comprehensive, evidence based HIV, STI, and unplanned pregnancy prevention programs to area teens and young adults


Leveraging technology to increase access, fairness, and quality of trauma-related care across youth, families, and communities throughout the United States.

Project BEST

Using innovative community-based dissemination, training, and implementation methods to dramatically increase the capacity of every community in South Carolina to deliver evidence-supported mental health treatments (ESTs) to every abused and traumatized child who needs them.

National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC)

Improving community preparedness and the nation’s capacity to serve victims recovering from mass violence through research, planning, training, technology, and collaboration.