Clinical Services

Community Outreach Program - Esperanza (COPE)

The Community Outreach Program — Esperanza (COPE) is a specialty clinic within the National Crime Victims Research & Treatment Center. COPE provides community-based assessment, referral, and treatment services to children who have experienced traumatic events (e.g., sexual and physical abuse, domestic violence). COPE attempts to reach victim populations that have traditionally been underserved by office-based mental health care programs, especially rural populations and racial/ethnic minorities, by providing services in the child's community (e.g., home, school). Although open to children from all racial/ethnic minority groups, a significant proportion of referrals involve children of Hispanic descent (~40%) and African American descent (~40%), most from low-income backgrounds. The overarching goal of COPE is to treat trauma-exposed youth “in context” by minimizing barriers in access to evidence-based mental health services (e.g., lack of transportation, distance from clinic) utilizing a community-based service model. Clinicians are trained in: (1) Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; (2) intensive case management; (3) evidence-based engagement strategies to enhance treatment completion; and (4) appropriate use of Interpreter Services to provide linguistically appropriate treatment. 

Telehealth Outreach Program (TOP)

The Telehealth Outreach Program (TOP) provides evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment services for children and adolescents. The program is dedicated to improving access to trauma-focused treatment using telehealth for traditionally underserved populations, especially rural populations and racial/ethnic minorities. Services are provided through school-based and home-based telehealth. TOP was created through a collaborative effort between the MUSC Mental Health Disparities Program and the MUSC Center for Telehealth. The program was initially funded through a Duke Endowment Grant and is currently funded through a SAMHSA National Child Traumatic Stress Network grant and the MUSC Center for Telehealth. Equipment needs are provided through the South Carolina Telehealth Alliance

Hispanic Outreach Program - Esperanza (HOPE)

The Hispanic Outreach Program Esperanza (HOPE) program, which is housed within the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, provides evidence-based trauma focused treatment to Hispanic children and adults who have been victims of a crime.  We provide grant-funded services for Hispanic victims who are uninsured and have no means of payment.  It is not required to be a US citizen or to have a police report in order to qualify for services with HOPE.  The HOPE program utilizes outreach and telehealth services, as well as bilingual clinicians and case managers in order to decrease barriers to treatment.  HOPE also provides case management services for patients who lack access to basic needs.  All services provided by HOPE are done so in consideration of the linguistic and cultural context of its target population.  In addition to providing accessible mental health services, HOPE also advocates for the Hispanic population within our own community by providing training on trauma-informed services, assisting other agencies in their development of culturally and linguistically appropriate services, and by raising awareness of issues related to violence against men, women and children within the Hispanic community.