Enrichment Program
Seminar Series
As part of our effort to expand interest in digestive disease and liver research on campus, with support from the Departments of Medicine, Regenerative Medicine & Cell Biology and the College of Graduate Studies, we have created two Seminar Series through the DDRCC Enrichment Program. The first is the DDRCC GI & Hepatology Grand Rounds series that focuses on cutting edge clinical and translational issues in the diagnosis and treatment of GI and liver disease. The second is the CDLD Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology Seminar Series, which focuses on new basic science developments yielding novel insights into GI and liver disease mechanisms and pathophysiology. Both series feature presentations from internationally renowned investigators, whose research exploits innovative approaches in the study and treatment of digestive and liver disease. These seminar presentations are available through a virtual format to the MUSC community at large. For subscription details, please contact the DDRCC Center Manager.
Annual Retreat
Through support from MUSC’s CTSA and the College of Medicine, we have already established an annual retreat where all MUSC and DDRCC digestive and liver disease investigators and interested individuals gather to share scientific updates through oral and poster presentations. This retreat is a highlight of the academic year for digestive disease researchers.
At the 5th Annual Digestive Disease Research Center retreat on April 12, 2024, we had 79 attendees, who presented 42 posters, and 7 oral platform presentations. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Jacquelyn Maher, MD, Director of the UCSF Liver Center.
The goals of the retreat are to 1) provide a platform for DDRC investigators to present their research findings; 2) encourage collaborations among digestive and liver disease investigators; 3) provide insight into the services offered by the DDRC cores and Clinical Component; and 4) encourage feedback from the larger MUSC community on DDRCC performance.
MUSC Hosts National Meeting

On October 13-14th, 2022, and during its inaugural funding period, the MUSC DDRCC hosted the NIDDK-funded Director’s Meeting of the Silvio O. Conte Digestive Disease Research Core Centers in the Low Country. This meeting of national leaders in GI and liver disease included research presentations from across the country, and was the first such in-person meeting since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
View the Meeting Program