Appointment, Promotion & Tenure

At MUSC promotion and tenure are different decisions, criteria, and applications. 

Promotion & Tenure Guidelines

Review the guidelines and proactively plan for advancement by working with your Chair and working with your mentors.

COM Faculty Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Guidelines (PDF) - approved May 17, 2024


The Office of Faculty Affairs, Development and Wellbeing has created a roadmap document to guide your professional development, promotion readiness and wellbeing by rank! 

Roadmaps for your career development:

Other Resources

Faculty APT information, packets, and resources are located on the MUSC intranet (Horseshoe) in the College of Medicine Faculty Affairs section. (MUSC log-in required)

AHEC Faculty APT Information and Resources for AHEC faculty

Affiliate Faculty APT Information and Resources (PDF)