
Charleston ARC Investigators

Investigators are listed alphabetically below, along with their roles in the Center. Links are provided for their faculty profile and list of publications. 

Dr. Raymond Anton
Co-Scientific Director

Dr. Sudie Back
Pilot Project Core Co-Director

Dr. Howard Becker
Center Director
Shared Resource Core Director
Administrative Core Director

Dr. Sarah Book
Clinical Research Component Co-Investigator
Clinical Intake and Assessment Core Supervisor for the Shared Resource Core (Clinical Research Projects Medical Oversight)

Dr. Judson Chandler
Basic Science Research Component Principal Investigator

Dr. Michaela Hoffman
Biostatistics Core Supervisor of the Shared Resource Core

Dr. Hesheng Liu
Clinical Research Component Co-Investigator

Dr. Marcelo Lopez
Animal Core Supervisor of the Shared Resource Core

Dr. Robert Malcolm
Clinical Research Component Collaborator

Dr. Lisa McTeague
Clinical Research Component Principal Investigator

Dr. William Mellick
Clinical Research Component Co-Investigator

Dr. Patrick Mulholland
Basic Science Research Component Principal Investigator
Pilot Project Core Co-Director

Dr. Rachel Penrod-Martin
Basic Science Research Component Co-Investigator

Dr. James Prisciandaro
Clinical Research Component Principal Investigator

Dr. Jennifer Rinker
Basic Science Research Component Co-Investigator

Dr. Konstantin Voronin
Clinical Intake and Assessment Core Supervisor for the Shared Resource Core

Dr. John Woodward
Basic Science Research Component Principal Investigator
Co-Scientific Director

Additional Investigators Involved in the Center

Dr. Christine Hahn
Pilot Project Principal Investigator

Dr. James Otis
Pilot Project Principal Investigator