MUSC Scholarships for M.D. Students

Medical Student Scholarships Available Through MUSC

A list of the endowed scholarships, available for COM students through the MUSC Foundation, is found below. This list is updated as often as possible, but some scholarships may not be available on an annual basis due to changes in the fund’s corpus amount.

Aaron R. Williams Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Williams family in loving memory of their son, Aaron, who was only age 16 when he passed away. Aaron was an avid student with hopes of one day becoming a doctor.

This scholarship is awarded based on Need/Merit, overcoming difficulty, SC residency, graduate of the Academic Magnet High School, Charleston residency preference, and a background of community service. The scholarship is awarded to 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

Abercrombie Scholarship for COM AnMed Students

Stoney Abercrombie, M.D., graduated from the MUSC College of Medicine in 1975.  He completed internship and residency training at Greenville Memorial Medical Center and is a family medicine specialist who is affiliated with AnMed Medical Center in Anderson, SC.  Dr. Abercrombie served as the campus dean of the AnMed track of MUSC’s College of Medicine for many years before stepping down in 2021 to continue seeing patients, teaching, and taking students on medical mission trips.  His knowledge of the high level of medical school graduation debt led him to establish this scholarship and to encourage doctors he had taught and been associated with over the years to also contribute. This scholarship was established to provide need/merit-based scholarship support for College of Medicine students studying at the AnMed campus.

Allen G. Thurmond, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by former U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond in honor of his brother, Dr. Allen G. Thurmond.

This scholarship is awarded based on need/merit, SC residency is required. Awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Allen H. Johnson, Sr., M.D. Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Established by Dr. Allen H. Johnson, Jr. in memory of his father, Dr. Allen H. Johnson, Sr., who was a physician and a benefactor in the Hemingway area. He founded the first hospital in Hemingway (the Johnson Memorial Hospital) to honor his father, Dr. Liston Bass Johnson, who had practiced medicine in the community for 35 years. The Johnson Memorial Hospital, founded in 1940, predated the hospitals in Georgetown, Lake City, and the beach areas.

This scholarship is awarded based on need, SC residency, and location - residents of Georgetown or Williamsburg counties or SC residents of Florence or Marion counties within 15 miles of Hemingway.

Awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

Anthony Todd Crowe, M.D. Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established by the Crowe family and friends in memory of Dr. Anthony Todd Crowe (Class of 1990).

Dr. Crowe practiced anesthesia at Oconee Memorial Hospital for 23 years, serving in many leadership and community service positions.

The Crowe scholarship is need/merit-based and is awarded to a student from Oconee county, a graduate of the College of Charleston or a graduate of Clemson University. This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Ball Family Medical Heritage Scholarship

Eight generations from the Ball family have graduated from or have served on the faculty of the MUSC College of Medicine. In honor of their loyalty and commitment to the MUSC College of Medicine, the Ball family established this scholarship to support medical students.

This is a need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Bernard W. Deas, Jr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established as an expendable scholarship in the early 1970s, to honor Dr. Bernard W. Deas, Jr., the first black male to graduate from the College of Medicine (in 1971). In 2021, the Alumni Association fully endowed the scholarship to honor his legacy. This scholarship is awarded to an entering student with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress. The selected student will demonstrate both academic merit and financial need. In furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for various patient populations through training and establishing a mixed healthcare workforce, particular attention will be given to applicants who possess any of the following attributes: ethnic minorities, first generation in their family to attend medical school, from a rural area, service history in rural areas or areas with mixed patient populations, and/or any other attribute that would make the candidate unique in the practice of medicine in the State of South Carolina.

Caroline B. Lown Endowed Scholarship

Mrs. Caroline B. Lown worked at MUSC as an Executive Administrator for 36 years, assisting many of the Medical University’s Presidents and Administrative leaders. Because of her great love of the University, this scholarship was endowed in 2011 through a bequest in her will.

This is a need-based scholarship with preference given to residents of Charleston or Mt. Pleasant, SC and to graduates of the College of Charleston. It is awarded to entering students with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress

Celia K. Barnhard and Howard J. Barnhard, M.D. Endowed Scholarship in Family Medicine

This scholarship was established by Dr. Howard Barnhard (Class of 1949) and his wife, Celia, to encourage and to assist a 4th year medical who has matched into a Family Medicine residency program.

This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to a 4th year medical student after Match results are published.

Charles B. Hanna Sr. M.D. and Lenay B. Hanna Endowed Scholarship

Established by the David R. And Margaret C. Clair Foundation in honor of Dr. Charles D. Hanna, Sr. (Class of 1944) and his wife, Lenay B. Hanna of Spartanburg, SC. Dr. Hanna served for many years as a member of the MUSC Board of Trustees.

This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Charles B. Preacher, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Charles B. Preacher’s children in honor of his memory. Dr. Preacher was born in Sumter, SC, graduated from USC, and received his MD degree from the Medical College of SC (Class of 1943). This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Charles R. Tatum, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Tatum graduated from the MUSC College of Medicine (Class of 1981). He practiced obstetrics and gynecology in Florence, SC and established this scholarship to assist students with the financial burden of medical school. This is a merit/need-based scholarship awarded to a student with outstanding character whose presence will enrich the entire university and whose contributions as physicians and citizens will bring distinction to their profession, alma mater, and communities in which they live and serve. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Charleston County Medical Society Auxiliary Alliance Scholarship- Medicine

Awarded annually to a MUSC College of Nursing and a College of Medicine student. The Scholarship Committees from both colleges select one of their students for this scholarship. The student recipients are recognized at a banquet in late fall. This is a need/merit-based scholarship for a female who is a native of Charleston county.

Chi Delta Chapter of Phi Rho Sigma Fraternity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to the medical student who has the highest score on Step I of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) examination. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs informs the Admissions Committee of each year’s recipient after all Step I scores are received.

College of Medicine Class Scholarships

Established by graduates of the various classes to assist future students with medical school debt.

These need/merit-based scholarships are awarded to incoming SC residents (preferred). Once awarded, the scholarships continue until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Class Scholarships of 1945-1949 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1950 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1955 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1962 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1968 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1970 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1972 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1973 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1977 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1978 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1979 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1980 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1981 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1982 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1984 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1985 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1986 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1987 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1988 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1989 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1990 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1994 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 2008 Endowed Scholarship

College of Medicine AnMed Health 3rd Year Scholarship

Established by the College of Medicine to assist medical students who are transitioning from MUSC to AnMed Health in Anderson after their first two years in Charleston are completed.

This scholarship is awarded to 3rd year medical students who are in the AnMed program.

College of Medicine AnMed Health 4th Year Scholarship

Established by the AnMed Foundation to assist 4th year AnMed students in Anderson, SC with the costs of medical school. This scholarship is awarded to 4th medical students who are in the AnMed program.

College of Medicine Dean’s Academic Merit Scholarship

Awarded to two outstanding incoming students annually, this merit-based scholarship provides a waiver of tuition for four years of medical school. GPA/MCAT/Interview Scores/Accomplishments are all considered by the Admissions Committee when recommending the student recipients. Students to be awarded these scholarships are recommended to the Scholarship Board by the Admissions Committee. The scholarships are awarded with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

COM Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was created by College of Medicine alumni, in furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for all South Carolinians and to encourage those who are inspired to serve in rural, economically disadvantaged, or medically underserved communities. The selected student will demonstrate both academic merit and financial need. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress. Preference is given to individuals who are first generation in their family to attend college, from a rural area, and/or with service history in rural areas or medically underserved areas.

David B. Gregg Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Dr. David B. Gregg was a graduate of the Medical College of SC (Class of 1936). This scholarship was established through a bequest in his will to provide financial support to College of Medicine students who volunteer in the community.

This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with a background in volunteer service. The scholarship is continuous until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

David G. Pinosky, M.D. and Elsie P. Pinosky Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by their family to honor Dr. David G. Pinosky (Class of 1959) and his wife, Elsie. Dr. Pinosky has an outstanding background in the military, in psychiatry, and in entrepreneurial medicine. This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to incoming students with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

DeWitt L. Harper, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established in memory of Dr. DeWitt Harper, a graduate of the Medical College of SC (Class of 1932), by his brother, Caldwell Harper. This scholarship assists worthy students with the financial needs of medical school. This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to a student with proven leadership and outstanding character. The scholarship is continuous until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Bruce Lee (Class of 1942) opened a medical practice in Florence, SC with his brother, Lamar. This practice lasted over 50 years. Because the Foundation has many ties with alumni of the MUSC College of Medicine, this endowed scholarship was established. This is a need/merit scholarship, for a 3rd or 4th year student from Florence county with a background in volunteer service who plans to practice primary care.

Edward E. McKee, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1980 in memory of Dr. McKee, who was a long-term College of Medicine and College of Graduate Studies faculty member. It is awarded to a medical student who has successfully completed the 2nd year of medical school and who has an interest in pathology or immunology. The scholarship originally was established to enable a student to travel to a pathology or scientific allied laboratory (immunology, pathological chemistry) in North America or abroad.

Edgar O. Horger III, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Edgar Horger graduated from the College of Medicine of SC (Class of 1962). The family of Dr. Horger chose to recognize his many contributions to clinical and academic medicine and to honor his extraordinary career by establishing this endowed scholarship in his memory. This is a merit/need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Fairey/Strait Medical Heritage Endowed Scholarship

Established by the late Dr. Philip W. Fairey, Jr. (Class of 1943), and the late Dr. William Francis Strait, III (Class of 1953), and Dr. F. Strait Fairey, Jr., (Class of 1971) to honor the many members of their families who were in the medical profession. This scholarship is awarded to outstanding students in the College of Medicine whose presence will enrich the entire University and whose contributions as physicians and citizens will bring distinction to their profession, alma mater, and communities in which they live and serve. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

George Dean Johnson, Sr., M.D and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established through a bequest from Dr. and Mrs. George Dean Johnson. Dr. Johnson, a native of Spartanburg county, was a Citadel graduate who received his medical training at MUSC College of Medicine. He became the first instructor in pediatrics at MUSC. This scholarship is need/academic merit-based and is continuous until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

Glassman Family Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Armand Glassman graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1964 and specialized in transfusion medicine and blood banking. Dr. Glassman is a professor emeritus of the MUSC Department of Microbiology and Immunology and has held positions at Vanderbilt, MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Texas Health Science Center. He also has served on the Hollings Cancer Center Citizen’s Advisory Council. Students awarded this scholarship must have a background in intercollegiate athletics. It is merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending outstanding academic and professionalism progress. If no applicant meets the requirements, the scholarship is not awarded.

H. Biemann Othersen, Jr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship

H. Biemann Othersen, Jr., M.D., is a graduate of the College of Charleston (1949) and the College of Medicine (1953).  He did his graduate work and training in Philadelphia, PA, Columbus, OH, and Boston, MA.  He is a member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the medical honor fraternity, and a past president of the American Pediatric Surgical Association.  A retired pediatric surgeon and professor of surgery and pediatrics, he is emeritus head of the Division of Pediatric Surgery at MUSC where he has spent over 60 years.  Dr. Othersen established an endowed professorship in his wife’s name in the MUSC College of Nursing in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary because she supported him during the many years he was in training.  His wife, Janelle, wishes to honor his legacy of over a half century of service to students and patients at the College of Medicine with a scholarship in his name.  Criteria for this scholarship is financial need/merit.  Preference will be given to a College of Charleston graduate.

H. Oliver Williamson, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Williamson (Class of 1957 has deep and everlasting roots with the College of Medicine. From medical school to residency to faculty, Dr. Williamson was a member of the MUSC family for over 50 years until his death in 2014. This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to medical students. It is a need/merit scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

Haney-Singleton/Deas Endowed Scholarship

Established in September 2021 by an anonymous donor in honor of Myra Haney-Singleton, Ed.D. and Deborah Deas, M.D. Without the mentoring of these extraordinary women, there are physicians practicing today who never would have been successful. Dr. Deas, former faculty member and interim dean for the College of Medicine, and Dr. Haney-Singleton, associate dean for student affairs and student wellness, worked together tirelessly to assist students through medical school hurdles, whether emotional, health, or academic difficulties. Both believe in “lifting as we climb.” This is a need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress. In furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for various patient populations through training and establishing a mixed healthcare workforce, particular attention will be given to applicants who possess any of the following attributes: ethnic minorities, first generation in their family to attend medical school, from a rural area, service history in rural areas or areas with various patient populations, and/or any other attribute that would make the candidate unique in the practice of medicine in the State of South Carolina.

Harriman H. Jett, MD ’67, and Lotta Dubos K. Jett Endowed Scholarship

Harriman H. Jett, M.D., FACS, earned his medical degree from the MUSC College of Medicine in 1967 and is very grateful for the scholarship he received from the university, without which a medical degree would not have been financially possible.   He is also extremely grateful to his wife of 60 years, Lotta Dubos, who supported him every step of the way during medical school, while also raising their twin daughters.  Dr. Jett attended Duke University and completed his undergraduate degree at the College of Charleston in 1963 and his internship and residency at Charlotte Memorial Hospital.  He practiced general surgery his entire career in Charlotte, NC.  Criteria for selection is financial need/merit.  Preference will be given to a College of Charleston graduate.

Helen M. King Endowed Medical Scholarship

Established through a bequest from Mrs. Helen M. King, this scholarship was created to assist medical students with the financial needs of medical school. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Endowed Medical Scholarship

Established by the Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Foundation. The Yaschiks, longtime residents of Charleston, were enormously grateful of the opportunities given to them throughout their lives. Their Foundation gives back to the community in many ways. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Hope Family Endowed Scholarship

Established from the estate of Dr. A. Chalmers Hope (Class of 1937), this scholarship was created to assist deserving medical students with the financial burden of medical school. Several members of the Hope family are graduates of the MUSC College of Medicine. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Isabel Lockard, Ph.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Lockard was a remarkable teacher and mentor in the College of Medicine. Since 1952, she taught neurosciences to medical, dental, and graduate students and to neurology residents. Following her death in 2011, several of her faculty colleagues and friends established this endowed scholarship in her memory. This need-based scholarship is awarded to a rising 4th year medical student. Preference is given to a student with an interest in the neurosciences field.

J. Harold Arnold, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. J. Harold Arnold (Class of 1948) in honor of his fiancé’, Ms. Ruth S. Robinson, who was killed tragically in an automobile accident. This need-based scholarship is for a SC resident. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Jack Cochran Endowed Scholarship

Colonel Henry J. “Jack” Cochran graduated from Emory in 1960 and was commissioned into the US Air Force as a second lieutenant, where he enjoyed an extraordinary and distinguished career. After moving to Charleston, he experienced health problems and received excellent care at MUSC. Colonel Cochran’s wife, Virginia, and family, including his daughter (Kathy) and son-in-law, Dr. David Cole, President of MUSC, established this scholarship as a tribute to his extraordinary life. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

James B. Edwards, D.M.D. Endowed Scholarship

The Edwards Scholars Program was established in 1991 to honor Dr. James B. Edwards, an oral surgeon from Mt. Pleasant, SC, who dedicated much of his life to public service. His distinguished career included service as Governor of SC, US Secretary of Energy, State Legislator, and President of the Medical University of South Carolina. Two JBE scholarships are awarded annually to incoming students. These are merit-based scholarships which provide a waiver of tuition, plus $5,000, for living expenses. Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate superb intellectual qualifications and outstanding potential for leadership in the study and practice of medicine. Qualified students throughout the US are eligible; preference is given to residents of South Carolina. The scholarship continues for four years pending successful academic and professionalism progress. Students awarded these scholarships are recommended to the Scholarship Committee by members of the Admissions Committee. GPA/MCAT scores, interviews and accomplishments are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee when selecting students to receive this scholarship.

Jane V. Gwinn, M.D. and Guy S. Fasciana, D.M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Jane Gwinn (MD 1981) and her husband, Dr. Guy Fasciana established this scholarship in recognition of the excellent education she received at the College of Medicine, which set the foundation for her life. Dr. Gwinn was a pediatric pulmonologist in Greenville, SC, who subsequently established the Cystic Fibrosis Center, an affiliate of Duke University, in 1995. She also held an appointment as a clinical assistant professor for MUSC until her retirement in 2014. This is a merit/need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress

Jean P. Wilson Endowed Scholarship

Mrs. Jean Wilson, a resident of Beaufort, SC, established this scholarship through a bequest in her will to assist medical students with the financial needs of medical school. Scholarships are awarded annually to students in the College of Medicine, who demonstrate both the desire and intellectual ability to excel in the study of medicine, as well as to those who have outstanding and caring attitudes for patients.

This need/merit-based scholarship is for a SC resident (preferred) who demonstrates an outstanding and caring attitude for patients. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Jenny and Jerry Reves, M.D. Distinctive Endowed Scholarship

Established by the College of Medicine Faculty and the University Medical Associates in honor of College of Medicine alumnus and former Dean, Dr. Jerry Reves (Class of 1969), and his wife Jenny. This scholarship was created in furtherance of the University’s commitment to mix the physician workforce and improve health outcomes for various patient populations through training opportunities. To that extent, particular attention will be given to applicants that demonstrate academic merit and financial need, and possess any of the following attributes: first generation in their family to attend medical school, from a rural area, service history in rural areas, and/or any other attribute that would make the candidate unique in the practice of medicine in the State of South Carolina.

Jeremy Chen Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 in loving memory of Jeremy Chen by his parents, Drs. Wen and Nian Chen. Jeremy was a student in the College of Medicine during the 2020-2021 academic year. Tragically, he was diagnosed with cancer during the first few months of medical school and died after completing the first year. During the nine months he spent battling cancer, Jeremy demonstrated immeasurable courage and dignity – all while studying and doing well in his coursework. His strength in the face of such overwhelming adversity made a lasting impression on his entire medical school. In loving memory of this remarkable young man, the Jeremy Chen Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by his parents, Drs. Nian-yi and Wen Y. Chen. Jeremy’s parents wanted to ensure that his memory lived on through this scholarship. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress. Preference is given to an out-of-state student.

John W. Cathcart II, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established in memory of Dr. Cathcart by his wife, Margaret Cathcart, daughter, Jenny Reves, and son-in-law, Dr. Jerry Reves. Dr. Reves is a former Dean of the College of Medicine and a distinguished University Professor of Anesthesiology. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress. In furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for minorities through training and establishing a mix healthcare workforce, particular attention will be given to applicants that are marginalized in medicine.

John T. Stevens Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship was established through a grant by the John T. Stevens Foundation in 1972. This scholarship is available to MUSC students from Kershaw or Lancaster counties. To encourage scholarship recipients to practice in either Kershaw or Lancaster counties after residency training, students who receive this scholarship are required to sign a contract with the Stevens Foundation for five years of service, in lieu of repaying the loan.

Joseph F. Flowers, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

A native of the rural Wesley Chapel community in Colleton county, Dr. Flowers graduated from the College of Medicine of SC (Class of 1961). He returned to Walterboro, starting his practice in 1974. For ten years, he was the only obstetrician in the area and was instrumental in recruiting physicians who now make up the Colleton Medical Center. This need-based scholarship is awarded to a Colleton county resident with an interest in rural/family medicine. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Joseph H. Rainey Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. Joseph Rainey in memory of his uncle, Dr. John Pratt a 1939 College of Medicine alumnus, who was a general practitioner in York county. Dr. Pratt was a past president of the College of Medicine Alumni Association Board and a recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award for his service to the profession. He also served on the MUSC Board of Trustees, as well as the MUSC Foundation Board. This is a need-based scholarship, with preference given to natives or residents of York county. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

June O. Yarborough Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by June Yarborough, a native of Florence, SC, to award to a student in the College of Medicine who graduated from Francis Marion University. This is a need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student who graduated from Francis Marion College. Once awarded, the scholarship continues for four years until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Katherine Browne Huggin, M.D. and Perry McKown Huggin, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by the Huggin family to honor Dr. Katherine Browne Huggin and Dr. Perry McKown Huggin.

Dr. Katherine Browne Huggin was born in Anderson, SC and graduated from the Medical College of SC (Class of 1929). Dr. Perry Huggin was born in Laurens, SC and graduated from the Medical College of SC (Class of 1930). Both had distinguished careers that spanned generations. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism success.

Kelley S. O'Quinn Endowed Scholarship

Established by Mrs. Kelly Smith O’Quinn and her daughter to support scholarships in the College of Medicine. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism success.

Kenneth W. Smith, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Mrs. Kelley S. O’Quinn in memory of her husband, Kenneth W. Smith, who was a graduate of the MUSC College of Medicine (Class of 1965). This is a merit-based scholarship for an incoming student with outstanding accomplishments. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism success.

Landrum I. McCarrell, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Landrum McCarrell (Class of 1950) practiced Family Medicine in Travelers Rest, SC, for his entire career. He established this scholarship through a bequest to provide financial assistance to future medical students. This is a need/merit-based scholarship for students from Greenville county (preference given to students from Travelers Rest). It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism success.

Larry R. Winn, M.D. and Wraellen M. Winn Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Winn worked at NASA prior to graduating from the MUSC College of Medicine (Class of 1974). He was a beloved physician, who practiced in Easley, SC for over 40 years. This scholarship was established in his memory by his wife, Wraellen M. Winn. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism success.

Lewis M. Davis, Sr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Lewis M. Davis, Jr. (Class of 1971) established this scholarship in memory of his father (Class of 1943). Dr. Lewis (Lew) M. Davis, Sr. graduated from Erskine College in 1939 prior to attending medical school. He served two years in the US Army Medical Corps before moving to Greer in 1948 and becoming the only general surgeon practicing there in the early 1950s. His lifelong service to the people in the communities around Greenville is legendary. Dr. Lew Davis was married to Caroline Westmoreland Davis (College of Nursing Class of 1941). This need/merit-based scholarship is for a SC resident from Greenville county. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Livingston Family Endowed Scholarship

Established by the Livingston family to financially assist students in the MUSC College of Medicine. This scholarship honors Dr. Robert E. Livingston, III, M.D. (Class of 1965) and his wife, Georgette (Class of 1962 X-Ray Technology) as well as Dr. Robert E. Livingston, Jr. (Class of 1939) and his wife, Pauline Livingston. This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Lori Joseph Butehorn and Fritz Butehorn, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Fritz Butehorn, Jr., M.D. (Class of 1998) and his wife, Lori Joseph Butehorn, to assist students in the MUSC College of Medicine. Dr. Butehorn, a member of the MUSC Board of Trustees, is from Spartanburg, SC where he practices Otolaryngology. This merit/need-based scholarship is awarded to rising 3rd year medical students who are in excellent academic standing. The student must have graduated from a public high school in Spartanburg or Kershaw County and have intent to practice in SC.

Lovelace Family Endowed Scholarship

Established by the Taylor Foundation of Newberry, SC, in honor of Dr. Oscar Lovelace (Class of 1985) and Dr. Spencer Lovelace (Class of 2013), who practice Family Medicine in Prosperity, SC. In appreciation of the expert care that these physicians deliver to the residents in the areas around Newberry, Mr. Taylor wanted to express his gratitude in a way that will help future caregivers. This need/merit-based scholarship is open to a student in any of the six colleges at MUSC. A student from Newberry county is preferred; Lexington county is second preference.

Luther George Bell, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Dr. Luther Bell and his wife Mary Carter Bell, in 1980, to assist students with financial need in the College of Medicine. By ‘paying it forward,” it was the hope of Dr. Bell that students receiving this scholarship would give back to College of Medicine scholarships when they become financially secure. This need-based scholarship is for a SC resident and is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Maria and Constantine Moskos Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Vasiliki Moskos (Class of 1965) in memory of her parents, as a tribute to their strong belief in education. Dr. Moskos’ parents were Greek immigrants who came to the United States, started a business and were very successful. Through their hard work and dedication, Dr. Moskos, has modeled her life after them. This is a need/merit-based scholarship for a female student. Preference is given to a student of Greek descent. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending successful academic and professionalism progress.

Marvin and Cleo McAlhany Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1992 by Mrs. Cleo T. McAlhany in memory of her husband, Marvin McAlhany, and in honor of their treasured friend, Dr. James Young White (Class of 1951). Dr. White provided untiring and faithful care to countless individuals in upper Dorchester county for many years. This is a need/merit-based scholarship for a student from upper Dorchester county (preferred). It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Mary D. Rich Endowed Scholarship

Established by Mary D. Rich in memory of her father, John Christopher Rich, M.D., to assist students in the MUSC College of Medicine with their financial need in medical school. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Mary E. Baker, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Mary Baker (Class of 1978) to assist MUSC College of Medicine students with the financial needs of medical school. Dr. Baker grew up in Newberry, SC, and practiced Obstetrics/Gynecology in Mt. Pleasant, SC until her retirement. A former president of the College of Medicine Alumni Board, she remains active in her field of medicine by volunteering at local clinics in the Newberry area. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Mary E. Blanchard, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Mary Blanchard (Class of 1952) to support MUSC College of Medicine students with their financial needs. Dr. Blanchard practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sumter, SC for over 30 years and served on staff of Tuomey Hospital in Sumter. Her honors and awards were numerous; she loved playing tennis and basketball, fishing, boating, reading, traveling, and baking. She mentored many students throughout her years of practice and was beloved by members of her family, colleagues, patients, and friends. This is a merit/need-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

May Family Medical Heritage Endowed Scholarship

Established by the late Dr. Charles Raysor May (Class of 1962), his wife, Margaret Ann May, and other members of the May family to honor the long line of May family graduates of the MUSC College of Medicine. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to a student who intends to practice in SC. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

McCorkle Scholarship

In memory of his parents, Philip Hunter McCorkle and Mary Smith McCorkle, Cavert K. McCorkle, M.D. ’72, retired neurosurgeon, has provided in his estate plans for the creation of two endowed scholarships.  Because his parents sacrificed to support him through his pursuit of a career in medicine, he promised them that he would give back to the institutions that also helped him achieve his career accomplishments as a way to honor them.  It is his wish to provide current funding for students based on academic merit and financial need.

Melvin H. Knisely Endowed Scholarship

Established in memory of Melvin H. Knisely, Ph.D., former chairman of the anatomy department of Medical College of SC, who won distinction for his work on blood circulation, particularly for his studies of the phenomenon he called "blood sludge." He and his colleagues demonstrated that many diseases cause red blood cells to stick together and impede the flow of blood. In the early 1930s, Dr. Knisely devised a technique, using "cold light" transmitted through a quartz rod, to illuminate living structures for microscopic study. He participated in a 17-year study that identified a substance produced by 40 common diseases that causes sludging, sometimes fatally. A graduate of Albion College in 1927, Dr. Knisely received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1935 and served on its faculty from 1937 to 1948, prior to joining the medical school. This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to a rising 2nd or 3rd year medical student. Recipients of this scholarship should have a background of non-medicine disciplines, in science, engineering or the humanities.

Melvin D. Medlock, M.D. and Joanne V. Medlock Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Melvin DuBose Medlock (Class of 1958) and his wife, Mrs. Joanne Villeponteaux Medlock, to support students with the financial needs of medical school. Dr. Medlock’s ancestor, Dr. Thomas J. DuBose (Class of 1836), as well as several other family members, are also alumni of the College of Medicine. This is a need/merit-based scholarship for SC residents who are Wofford graduates. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Palmira Silva Snape, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Palmira S. Snape (Class of 1964), a family physician from Easley, SC, this scholarship’s purpose is to encourage medical students to strive for a career in family medicine and to focus on giving back to their communities. This need- based scholarship is awarded to a 4th year medical student who has matched into a Family Medicine residency.

Palmira Silva Snape, M.D. Endowed Scholarship for Volunteer Service

Established by Dr. Palmira S. Snape (Class of 1964), a family physician from Easley, SC, this need-based scholarship is awarded to a 4th year medical student who has accepted a Family Medicine residency and one who has demonstrated exceptional volunteer service while in medical school.

Paul B. Underwood, Jr, M.D. Humanism in Medicine Scholarship

Dr. Paul Underwood, Jr. (Class of 1959) completed his medical education, internship and obstetrics and gynecology residency at the College of Medicine. After fellowship in gynecologic oncology at M.D. Anderson in Houston, Texas, he joined the medical staff at MUSC where he served in multiple leadership positions. In 1979, he accepted the position of chair of obstetrics and gynecology at UVA until he retired in 1999. He and his family moved back to Charleston and he again joined the medical staff in teaching, mentoring, and in clinical practice. He chaired the Admissions Committee for 19 years until his final retirement in 2018. In 2005, when the Gold Humanism Honor Society established a chapter at MUSC, it was named in Dr. Underwood’s honor. The medical students strongly felt Dr. Underwood was the physician who possessed all the humanistic qualities that society values. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to a student with qualities of compassion, leadership, quality patient care, and mentoring. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Phillip H. Greenberg, M.D. and Patricia B. Greenberg Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Phillip Greenberg (Class of 1974) and his wife, Patricia B. Greenberg, in memory of Dr. Greenberg’s father, Dr. Stephan A. Greenberg, who graduated from the Medical College of SC (Class of 1939). This scholarship was established to assist medical students with the high costs of medical school. Dr. Greenberg is a surgeon in Florence, S.C. and a member of the College of Medicine Alumni Board. He received South Carolina’s Order of the Palmetto in 2020. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Proctor Family Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Edward Proctor (Class of 1947) and his wife, Mary Woodard Proctor, (College of Nursing, Class of 1946) to support MUSC College of Medicine students with the financial burden of medical school. This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Rakesh P. Chokshi, M.D. and Brinda M. Chokshi, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Drs. Rakesh and Brinda Chokshi are both 1993 graduates of the MUSC College of Medicine. They established this scholarship to aid other students of Indian descent, who are striving to pursue a medical degree. This need/merit-based scholarship is for Americans of Indian descent who are residents of the Pee Dee area in SC, or Americans of Indian descent who are residents of SC, or Americans of Indian descent who are out-of-state. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Richard J. Sanders, M.D. and Dorothy M. Sanders Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Richard J. Sanders (Class of 1970) and his wife, Dorothy M. Sanders, to support students in the MUSC College of Medicine. This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Richard K. Truluck, Jr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Richard K. Truluck (Class of 1966) to support College of Medicine students. An orthopedic surgeon who also did his residency at MUSC, Dr. Truluck practiced in Columbia for his entire career. This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Robert Wilson, M.D. and Teresa M. Wilson Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Robert A. Wilson (Class of 1973) and his wife, Teresa Wilson, to support MUSC College of Medicine students.

This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Rodman-Rohde Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. E. Marie Roberts (Class of 1949) in honor of Mrs. Jesse Rodman and Mrs. Josie Rohde for their kindness during Dr. Roberts’ years of medical school. This need/merit-based scholarship is awarded to a female with high character. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Ronald Vaughn Wade, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Ronald V. Wade (Class of 1970) to assist students with the financial burden of medical school. This is a need-based scholarship for a graduate of Furman or USC. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Rosalie Raymond Endowed Scholarship

Established to provide scholarships to College of Medicine students in need of financial assistance.

This is a need-based scholarship that is awarded to an incoming student with continuation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Rose Delores Gibbs, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Dr. Rose Delores Gibbs, the first African American female to graduate from the MUSC College of Medicine (Class of 1973) to support medical students with financial need. Dr. Gibbs was a charter member and president of the MUSC Black Alumni Association and has served as secretary, treasurer, and president of the College of Medicine Alumni Association. In 2006, she was awarded the College of Medicine’s Distinguished Alumnus Award.

The selected student will demonstrate both academic merit and financial need. In furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for minorities through training and establishing a mixed healthcare workforce, particular attention will be given to applicants that demonstrate academic merit and financial need, and possess any of following attributes: first generation in their family to attend medical school, from a rural area, service history in rural areas, and/or any other attribute that would make the candidate unique in the practice medicine in the State of South Carolina. This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Siddiqi Family Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Syed Siddiqi and Mrs. Pauline Siddiqi, established this endowed scholarship in honor of their two sons, who graduated from the College of Medicine (Mohammad Faisal Siddiqi, Class of 2011 and Nasar Ahmed Siddiqi, Class of 2009). This is a need/merit-based scholarship that is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Sol and Ditty Abrams Endowed Scholarship

Established by the children and grandchildren of Sol and Ditty Abrams in honor of Ditty, and in memory of Sol. Dr. Ray DuBois (Former Dean of the MUSC College of Medicine) and his wife, Lisa Abrams DuBois are two members of the family who helped establish this scholarship. This is a need-based scholarship

Awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Sol Neidich, M.D. and Mrs. Evelyn Rudowitz Neidich Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Sol Neidich (Class of 1983) established this scholarship through a bequest to support College of Medicine students who have financial need. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Stephen D. Canaday Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Stephen D. Canaday, Ph.D., was an admired anatomy professor at MUSC for many years. This endowed scholarship was established by the wife of Dr. Canaday, Mary Elizabeth, and many of his colleagues and friends, to support students in the College of Medicine. This merit-based scholarship is awarded to a rising 2nd year student who demonstrated excellence in anatomy during the first year.  

Stone Family Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Samuel R. Stone (Class of 1980) in honor of his father, Dr. Halstead M. Stone (Class of 1949), to support College of Medicine students. This scholarship also is a tribute to the Stone family’s extraordinary legacy in Chester county. This need/merit-based scholarship is available for a resident of Chester county or a graduate of Clemson. Students awarded this scholarship must have an interest in Family Medicine. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Theodore C. Harper, M.D. and Olive D. Harper Endowed Scholarship

Established by Clarence J. Duncan and William G. Duncan, the nephews of Dr. Theodore C. Harper (Class of 1923) in memory Dr. Harper and his wife, Olive. Dr. Harper was an extraordinary man from a distinguished SC family, who had a long and exemplary career in Globe, Arizona. Dr. Harper was born in Kingstree in 1897, one of four brothers, all of whom graduated from the College of Medicine of SC. A biography of his life is available to awardees from the College of Medicine Development office. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

Thrasher Family Endowed Scholarship

James Brantley Thrasher, M.D. and Laura L. Thrasher graduated from MUSC with medical and nursing degrees, respectively, and received their degrees with the help of student loans, scholarships, and the military. MUSC started their careers in health care and made it possible to provide for their families to try to give back to MUSC and support those students fortunate enough to be accepted into the College of Medicine. This is a need-based scholarship, with preference given to a SC resident who graduated from Clemson University. The scholarship is continuous until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

William A. Gardner M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. William Gardner (Class of 1965) was an honored and distinguished Doctor of Pathology, with over 46 years of service in the field of medicine. His children established this scholarship from memorial gifts following his death. This is a need/merit-based scholarship with preference given to South Carolina low country residents of Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, Jasper, Berkeley and Charleston. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

William Mathis, Jr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. William Mathis (Class of 1943) was the first radiologist in Cobb County, GA. Prior to practicing medicine, he spent two years in the US Army Medical Corps. He was influenced in his decision to become a physician by his father, who was a physician and by his mother, who was a nurse. This is a merit-based scholarship awarded to students who exhibit outstanding intellectual qualities and potential for the study of medicine. It is awarded to an incoming student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.

William L. Mills, M.D. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. William Mills (Class of 1945) believed a person should choose his occupation or profession early in life and then pursue it with vigor. The primary goal in life should not be to have fame or riches, but a determination to help others to thrive physically and mentally. This is a merit-based scholarship available to SC residents. It is awarded to a rising 4th year student in high academic standing.

William M. Simpson, Jr, M.D. Ideals of Family Medicine Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Carolyn Thiedke (Class of 1984) and her husband, Mr. Fred Thompson in honor of Dr. William M. Simpson, Jr., who was a mentor to Dr. Thiedke during the time she spent as a Family Medicine resident at MUSC. Dr. Bill Simpson is a graduate of the MUSC College of Medicine (Class of 1972) and the Department of Family Medicine. In his nearly 40-year career on the faculty of that department, he taught and mentored generations of residents. True to the generalist nature of his specialty, his interests were wide-ranging and included geriatrics, environmental and occupational medicine, physician wellness, and community health. Dr. Simpson embodies the qualities of an ideal family physician – compassion, curiosity, intellectual rigor, and service to others. This is a need-based scholarship awarded to a 4th year student who has matched into a Family Medicine residency. In furtherance of the University’s commitment to improve health outcomes for minorities through training and establishing a mixed healthcare workforce, particular attention for this scholarship will be given to applicants who represent a group that is marginalized in medicine.

Woodrow and Geneva Oxner Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Claudia Oxner Simmons (Class of 1956), in memory of her parents, Woodrow and Geneva Oxner, who made great sacrifices for her to obtain a medical degree. This is a need/merit-based scholarship awarded to a female student with continuation until graduation, pending satisfactory academic and professionalism progress.