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MUSC Proteomics Center

The MUSC Proteomics Center is focused on clinical and translational proteomics and the development of centralized diagnostics. It is comprised of independent investigators, two core laboratories (Mass Spectrometry Facility and MS Imaging Research Center) and supported by external funding.  Mass spectrometry is the key analytical method for proteomics research, and the Center has a comprehensive, complementary suite of instrumentation for proteomic analyses. Current instrumentation in the Mass Spectrometry Facility includes two orbitrap mass spectrometers (ThermoScientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos with ETD/UVPD and Orbitrap Elite with ETD) for LC-MS/MS analysis of post-translational modifications including phosphorylation, glycosylation, and redox-sensitive protein modifications. These high resolution, high mass accuracy instruments are also used for quantitative proteomics (e.g. LFQ, SILAC, and TMT) to identify differentially expressed proteins, regulated sites of post-translational modification, as well as protein interactions.  A Waters Xevo TQ-S is available for targeted proteomic applications.  For MALDI tissue imaging MS capabilities, the Center operates Bruker instruments including a dual-source Tims-TOF FleX, a dual source SolariX 7T FT-ICR MS, a RapiFleX MALDI TissueTyper TOF-TOF, and an Autoflex MALDI-TOF MS. The MALDI tissue imaging approaches are histopathology directed, and used for two-dimensional spatial profiling of proteins, lipids, glycans, metabolites, and small molecule drugs within fixed or frozen tissues, cells, or other biospecimens on microscopy slides. The Center leverages high-performance computing resources with modern protein search algorithms, mass spectrometry-based quantification analysis, statistical analysis (frequentist or Bayesian techniques), data-driven systems biology, -omic integration techniques, and classifier development (machine learning based) to generate actionable and hypothesis driving results. 

The Proteomics Center is supported by the MUSC Vice President for Research, College of Medicine, Hollings Cancer Center (P30 CA138313), SC COBRE in Oxidants, Redox Balance and Stress Signaling (P20 GM103542), MUSC Digestive Disease Research Core Center (P30 DK123704), NCI/Alliance of Glycobiologists for Cancer Research, the NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant Program, and the South Carolina Centers of Economic Excellence Program.

Proteomics Personnel and Contact Info

Director, MUSC Proteomics Center

Richard R. Drake, Ph.D.

Director, MSC Imaging Research Center

Peggi Angel, Ph.D.

Director, Mass Spectrometry Facility

Lauren E. Ball, Ph.D.

Lab Manager, Mass Spectrometry Facility

Jennifer Bethard, MS

For information about mass spectrometry imaging capabilities in the MS Imaging Research Center, contact Dr. Peggi Angel ( or Dr. Richard Drake (

For information about exosomes obtained from clinical specimens and N-linked glycosylation profiling, contact Dr. Richard Drake (

For information about computational proteomics and bioinformatics approaches, contact Dr. Anand Mehta (

For information about LC-MS/MS-based quantitative proteomics and analysis of post-translational modifications, contact Dr. Lauren Ball ( 

MUSC Mass Spectrometry Facility 

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