Graphic showing the definition of the word addiction.

Project ECHO Peer Support Specialists

What is Project ECHO?

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a movement, whose mission is to develop the capacity to demonopolize knowledge and amplify the capacity to provide best practice care for underserved people all over the world. The ECHO model links specialist teams at academic 'hubs' with providers in local communities - the 'spokes' of the model. Together, they participate in regular teleECHOsessions aimed at enhancing providers' capacity to deliver best practice care.  The ECHO session consists of a case presentation followed by a discussion and recommendations and a relevant didactic from an expert in the field.  These sessions are supported by basic, widely available teleconferencing technology that enables providers to join from anywhere using a computer or mobile device. ECHO creates an ongoing learning community where providers receive support and develop the skills needed to treat a specific condition in an "all-learn, all-teach" environment.

What are Peer Recovery Support Services?


Peer support is a valuable addition to the continuum of care for the treatment of substance use disorders. Utilization of peers is growing across the nation and are employed in a variety of settings including emergency departments, hospitals, substance use recovery programs, and many other settings. Peer recovery support specialists are people who have experienced both addiction and stable recovery and assist others experiencing similar situations. Research has demonstrated that peer support reduces the use of illicit substances and relapse rates, increases treatment retention, and improves relationships with providers and social supports.

How will ECHO provide support to South Carolina Peers?

The ECHO provides telementoring support to current and future peers across the state of South Carolina. Our ECHO sessions feature brief, user-driven didactic content relevant to peers, delivered by peer leaders and experts in the treatment of substance use disorders. However, at the heart of the Peers ECHO is the network of peers, counselors, social workers, and prescribers working together to support each other in treating addiction in their communities.

How can I sign up to join Peers ECHO?

If you are interested in joining or would like more information about Peers ECHO, please email our Project Coordinator, Phillip Hudson, at

*Please provide your first and last name, email, credential/title, and name of practice. You will be added to our participant list. You will receive an email invitation for each session a week prior to the meeting. The link to log-in and connect is included in this invitation.

ECHO Staff

Working together to support each other in treating addiction in their communities.