Welcome from the Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Edward KilbWelcome to the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Program at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston, South Carolina. I am grateful for your interest in our program, and I hope that the pages of this website inform you of the extensive training opportunities and learning environment that our program has to offer.

Originally from the Chicago suburbs, I joined MUSC in 2008 for my internal medicine residency. Upon completing my chief residency year, the connections I established with pulmonary and critical care faculty and fellows in clinical settings like the intensive care unit, consult services, and procedure lab fueled my enthusiasm to delve deeper into this remarkable specialty. I was fortunate to stay at MUSC for fellowship where I learned clinical care from world-renowned experts and saw the passion they bring to all aspects of care, training, and mentoring every day. It is here that I developed a passion for education and leadership that would ultimately take me to places I could never have imagined.

After graduation, I joined a large community-based hospital to help develop their critical care practice. I learned invaluable lessons in team-based care, quality care, and leadership. I was amazed by the intensely dedicated care providers in resource-limited areas, as I learned about the challenges and needs of the community they serve. Despite having to leave a thriving practice I cherished, I was honored to be given the opportunity to return to MUSC with a focus in fellow training and education. I could not have imagined that within a few years I would be leading the program that once trained me.

As Program Director, I strive to provide a rich learning environment that leverages the vast academic resources, clinical patient areas, and amazing faculty members with a wide breadth of pulmonary and critical care sub-specialty expertise. I am incredibly fortunate to have dedicated partners in education with our Associate Program Directors Dr. Anna Brady and Dr. Andy Goodwin, along with subspecialty Program Directors Dr. Rita Bakhru (Critical Care Medicine), Dr. Chris Gilbert (Interventional Pulmonology), and Dr. Andrea Rinn (Sleep Medicine), and our incredible Program Coordinator Sara Croft. Most importantly, we are honored to get to train such bright, caring, and invested fellows that make up the lifeblood of this program.

I invite you to browse this website and get more detailed information about the logistics and ethos of our program. What is hard to convey in my message is the friendship and camaraderie shared through our fellows and faculty, and the beautiful, charming city of Charleston, S.C. As you embark on this journey of fellowship training, I hope you find a place you connect with as much as I have at MUSC, and regardless of your ultimate training program, I encourage you to visit and explore the incomparable city of Charleston. 

If you have additional questions regarding our fellowship program, please contact me at kilbiii@musc.edu or Sara Croft, program coordinator, at frampto@musc.edu.


Edward Kilb III, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Program Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship