Global Health

The MUSC Department of Radiology has partnered with One World Health to offer a global health elective to interested senior radiology residents at the Masindi Kitara Medical Center (MKMC) in Uganda. MKMC was established in 2011 by One World Health, a non-profit organization, and has continually expanded since its inception, currently serving over 1300 patients per month. This expansion highlighted the lack of medical imaging in this region, with the nearest imaging equipment several hours away by car. In response, One World Health procured funding to purchase ultrasound and x-ray equipment in 2017. The introduction of medical imaging to the clinic has improved patient care, and our international elective will allow senior residents to collaborate with the Ugandan physicians to ensure the potential benefits of the equipment are being maximized. Residents work with MUSC and MKMC faculty to develop a practical educational curriculum and leverage data-sharing applications to discuss challenging cases via teleconference from Charleston.

The experience culminates with a four-week rotation in Uganda, where the resident participates in daily activities of the clinic, works with local practitioners to optimize image acquisition and interpretation, performs image-guided procedures, and delivers didactic lectures. Our residents gain valuable skills in cultural competency and development of educational materials. They are exposed to a different range of pathology, learn to maximize limited resources, and gain valuable experience in image interpretation when advanced imaging techniques are not available. MUSC has agreed to fund the residents’ salary and benefits while on international rotations, and the Department of Radiology has established a Global Health Fund, which helps offset resident expenses associated with the rotation. The Global Health Fund also accepts tax-deductible donations to allowed continued support of future residents who undertake this elective. Our residents have also been successful in applying for and receiving funding from the MUSC Center for Global Health and the ACR. We endeavor to create a lasting partnership with MKMC, and to be at the forefront of global radiology as medical imaging continues to disseminate throughout the developing world.

If you are interested in making a donation to support our residents travel to Uganda, please follow this link: and specify the Radiology Residency Global Health Fund.

Thank you for your support.


2023 Nicaragua Trip

US in NicaraguaUS probe in Nicaragua

Nicaragua - Drs. Shuler and Stalcup

Uganda 2022 Trip 

Uganda clinic - Drs. Suranyi and Mann

2019 Uganda Trip

2019 GH Uganda Hill and Hewitt  GH 2019 Uganda Hewett Presentation  

2018 Uganda Trip

GH 2018 Uganda Golchin Group GH 2018 Uganda  Walking to Building

McGarity Uganda 2018 checking mother Suranyi Uganda 2018 giving baby ultrasound

Although it is tough can find time for a little fun too...

GH 2019 Uganda Hewett Pic Snap  Gh 2019 Uganda Hill and Hewett Scenery

GH 2017 Uganda Group Rainbow Pic GH 2017 Uganda Golchin with Elephants