* indicates a publication that appears in multiple lists
Bold font = COCA PIs
1. *Vollmer KM, Doncheck EM, Grant RI, Winston KT, Romanova EV, Bowen CW, Siegler PN, Green LM, Bobadilla AC, Trujillo-Pisanty I, Kalivas PW & Otis JM. A Novel Assay Allowing Drug Self-Administration, Extinction, and Reinstatement Testing in Head-Restrained Mice. Front Behav Neurosci 15:744715, 2021. PMCID: PMC8585999
2. Grant RI, Doncheck EM, Vollmer KM, Winston KT, Romanova EV, Siegler PN, Holman H, Bowen CW & Otis JM. Specialized coding patterns among dorsomedial prefrontal neuronal ensembles predict conditioned reward seeking. Elife 10 2021. PMCID: PMC8277349
3. *Vollmer KM, Green LM, Grant RI, Winston KT, Doncheck EM, Bowen CW, Paniccia JE, Clarke RE, Tiller A, Siegler PN, Bordieanu B, Siemsen BM, Denton AR, Westphal AM, Jhou TC, Rinker JA, McGinty JF, Scofield MD & Otis JM. An opioid-gated thalamoaccumbal circuit for the suppression of reward seeking in mice. Nat Commun 13(1):6865, 2022. PMCID: PMC9652456
1. Barry SM, Barry GM, Martinez D, Penrod RD, Cowan CW. The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein, Arc, functions in the nucleus accumbens shell to limit multiple triggers of cocaine-seeking behavior. Addict. Biol. In press PMCID: In Progress.
2. Anderson EM, Tsvetkov E, Galante A, DeVries D, McCue LM, Wood D, Barry S, Berto S, Lavin A, Taniguchi M & Cowan CW. Epigenetic function during heroin self-administration controls future relapse-associated behavior in a cell type-specific manner. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120(7):e2210953120, 2023. PMCID: PMC9963300
3. Hughes BW, Siemsen BM, Tsvetkov E, Berto S, Kumar J, Cornbrooks RG, Akiki RM, Cho JY, Carter JS, Snyder KK, Assali A, Scofield MD, Cowan CW & Taniguchi M. NPAS4 in the medial prefrontal cortex mediates chronic social defeat stress-induced anhedonia-like behavior and reductions in excitatory synapses. Elife 12 2023. PMCID: PMC9925055
4. Armenta-Resendiz M, Assali A, Tsvetkov E, Cowan CW & Lavin A. Repeated methamphetamine administration produces cognitive deficits through augmentation of GABAergic synaptic transmission in the prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology 47(10):1816-1825, 2022. PMCID: PMC9372065
5. Anderson EM, Lopez MF, Kastner A, Mulholland PJ, Becker HC & Cowan CW. The histone methyltransferase G9a mediates stress-regulated alcohol drinking. Addict Biol 27(1):e13060, 2022. PMCID: PMC8602448
6. Siemsen BM, Barry SM, Vollmer KM, Green LM, Brock AG, Westphal AM, King RA, DeVries DM, Otis JM, Cowan CW & Scofield MD. A Subset of Nucleus Accumbens Neurons Receiving Dense and Functional Prelimbic Cortical Input Are Required for Cocaine Seeking. Front Cell Neurosci 16:844243, 2022. PMCID: PMC8907444
7. *Garcia-Keller C, Scofield MD, Neuhofer D, Varanasi S, Reeves MT, Hughes B, Anderson E, Richie CT, Mejias-Aponte C, Pickel J, Hope BT, Harvey BK, Cowan CW & Kalivas PW. Relapse-Associated Transient Synaptic Potentiation Requires Integrin-Mediated Activation of Focal Adhesion Kinase and Cofilin in D1-Expressing Neurons. J Neurosci 40(44):8463-8477, 2020. PMCID: PMC7605418
8. *Heinsbroek JA, Bobadilla AC, Dereschewitz E, Assali A, Chalhoub RM, Cowan CW & Kalivas PW. Opposing Regulation of Cocaine Seeking by Glutamate and GABA Neurons in the Ventral Pallidum. Cell Rep 30(6):2018-2027 e2013, 2020. PMCID: PMC7045305
9. Anderson EM, Penrod RD, Barry SM, Hughes BW, Taniguchi M & Cowan CW. It is a complex issue: emerging connections between epigenetic regulators in drug addiction. Eur J Neurosci 50(3):2477-2491, 2019.
Manuscripts submitted or in revision:
1. Hughes B, Tsvetkov E, Siemsen BM, Snyder KK, Akiki RM, Wood DJ, Penrod-Martin R, Scofield MD, Berto S, Taniguchi M, Cowan CW. NPAS4 supports drug-cue associations and relapse-like behavior through regulation of the cell type-specific activation balance in the nucleus accumbens. BioRχiv []; Nature Commun. in revision
2. Anderson EM, Tsvetkov E, McCue LM, Taniguchi M, Cowan CW. Heroin regulates the Scn1b to modulate nucleus accumbens medium spiny neuron intrinsic excitability and cue-induced heroin seeking. J. Neurosci. Submitted
3. Barry SM, Huebschman J, Penrod RD, DeVries, DM, McCue LM, Tsvetkov E, Anderson EM, Siemsen BM, Taniguchi M, Berto, S, Cowan, CW. Histone deacetylase 5 in prelimbic prefrontal cortex regulates cocaine-induced gene expression and limits context-associated cocaine seeking behavior. Neuropsychopharm. Submitted.
1. Siemsen BM, Giannotti G, McFaddin JA, Scofield MD & McGinty JF. Biphasic effect of abstinence duration following cocaine self-administration on spine morphology and plasticity-related proteins in prelimbic cortical neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbens core. Brain Struct Funct 224(2):741-758, 2019. PMCID: PMC6438710
2. *Vollmer KM, Green LM, Grant RI, Winston KT, Doncheck EM, Bowen CW, Paniccia JE, Clarke RE, Tiller A, Siegler PN, Bordieanu B, Siemsen BM, Denton AR, Westphal AM, Jhou TC, Rinker JA, McGinty JF, Scofield MD & Otis JM. An opioid-gated thalamoaccumbal circuit for the suppression of reward seeking in mice. Nat Commun 13(1):6865, 2022. PMCID: PMC9652456
3. Kokane SS, Cole RD, Bordieanu B, Ray CM, Haque IA, Otis JM & McGinty JF. Increased Excitability and Synaptic Plasticity of Drd1- and Drd2-Expressing Prelimbic Neurons Projecting to Nucleus Accumbens after Heroin Abstinence Are Reversed by Cue-Induced Relapse and Protein Kinase A Inhibition. J Neurosci 43(22):4019-4032, 2023. PMCID: PMC10255008
4. Siemsen BM, Denton AR, Parrila-Carrero J, Hooker KN, Carpenter EA, Prescot ME, Brock AG, Westphal AM, Leath MN, McFaddin JA, Jhou TC, McGinty JF & Scofield MD. Heroin Self-Administration and Extinction Increase Prelimbic Cortical Astrocyte-Synapse Proximity and Alter Dendritic Spine Morphometrics That Are Reversed by N-Acetylcysteine. Cells 12(14) 2023. PMCID: PMC10378353
1. Kruyer A, Kalivas PW & Scofield MD. Astrocyte regulation of synaptic signaling in psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology 48(1):21-36, 2023. PMCID: PMC9700696
2. Kruyer A, Angelis A, Garcia-Keller C, Li H & Kalivas PW. Plasticity in astrocyte subpopulations regulates heroin relapse. Sci Adv 8(32):eabo7044, 2022. PMCID: PMC9365285
3. Kruyer A, Dixon D, Angelis A, Amato D & Kalivas PW. Astrocytes in the ventral pallidum extinguish heroin seeking through GAT-3 upregulation and morphological plasticity at D1-MSN terminals. Mol Psychiatry 27(2):855-864, 2022. PMCID: PMC9054673
4. Kruyer A & Kalivas PW. Astrocytes as cellular mediators of cue reactivity in addiction. Curr Opin Pharmacol 56:1-6, 2021. PMCID: PMC7910316
5. Kruyer A, Chioma VC & Kalivas PW. The Opioid-Addicted Tetrapartite Synapse. Biol Psychiatry 87(1):34-43, 2020. PMCID: PMC6898767
6. Kruyer A, Scofield MD, Wood D, Reissner KJ & Kalivas PW. Heroin Cue-Evoked Astrocytic Structural Plasticity at Nucleus Accumbens Synapses Inhibits Heroin Seeking. Biol Psychiatry 86(11):811-819, 2019. PMCID: PMC6823145
7. Nall RW, Chalhoub RM & Kalivas PW. Drug versus non-drug behaviors: A dual-reward model of sex differences and neurobiological mechanisms in rats. J Exp Anal Behav 117(3):457-471, 2022.
8. *Vollmer KM, Doncheck EM, Grant RI, Winston KT, Romanova EV, Bowen CW, Siegler PN, Green LM, Bobadilla AC, Trujillo-Pisanty I, Kalivas PW & Otis JM. A Novel Assay Allowing Drug Self-Administration, Extinction, and Reinstatement Testing in Head-Restrained Mice. Front Behav Neurosci 15:744715, 2021. PMCID: PMC8585999
9. Hodebourg R, Kalivas PW & Kruyer A. Extrasynaptic therapeutic targets in substance use and stress disorders. Trends Pharmacol Sci 43(1):56-68, 2022. PMCID: PMC8688303
10. Nall RW, Heinsbroek JA, Nentwig TB, Kalivas PW & Bobadilla AC. Circuit selectivity in drug versus natural reward seeking behaviors. J Neurochem 157(5):1450-1472, 2021. PMCID: PMC8178159
11. Chioma VC, Kruyer A, Bobadilla AC, Angelis A, Ellison Z, Hodebourg R, Scofield MD & Kalivas PW. Heroin Seeking and Extinction From Seeking Activate Matrix Metalloproteinases at Synapses on Distinct Subpopulations of Accumbens Cells. Biol Psychiatry 89(10):947-958, 2021. PMCID: PMC8434769
12. Bobadilla AC, Dereschewitz E, Vaccaro L, Heinsbroek JA, Scofield MD & Kalivas PW. Cocaine and sucrose rewards recruit different seeking ensembles in the nucleus accumbens core. Mol Psychiatry 25(12):3150-3163, 2020. PMCID: PMC8532193
13. *Garcia-Keller C, Scofield MD, Neuhofer D, Varanasi S, Reeves MT, Hughes B, Anderson E, Richie CT, Mejias-Aponte C, Pickel J, Hope BT, Harvey BK, Cowan CW & Kalivas PW. Relapse-Associated Transient Synaptic Potentiation Requires Integrin-Mediated Activation of Focal Adhesion Kinase and Cofilin in D1-Expressing Neurons. J Neurosci 40(44):8463-8477, 2020. PMCID: PMC7605418
14. *Heinsbroek JA, Bobadilla AC, Dereschewitz E, Assali A, Chalhoub RM, Cowan CW & Kalivas PW. Opposing Regulation of Cocaine Seeking by Glutamate and GABA Neurons in the Ventral Pallidum. Cell Rep 30(6):2018-2027 e2013, 2020. PMCID: PMC7045305
15. Garcia-Keller C, Neuhofer D, Bobadilla AC, Spencer S, Chioma VC, Monforton C & Kalivas PW. Extracellular Matrix Signaling Through beta3 Integrin Mediates Cocaine Cue-Induced Transient Synaptic Plasticity and Relapse. Biol Psychiatry 86(5):377-387, 2019. PMCID: PMC6697624
16. Fredriksson I, Jayaram-Lindstrom N, Kalivas PW, Melas PA & Steensland P. N-acetylcysteine improves impulse control and attenuates relapse-like alcohol intake in long-term drinking rats. Behav Brain Res 436:114089, 2023. PMCID: In Progress.
17. Bradlow RCJ, Berk M, Kalivas PW, Back SE & Kanaan RA. The Potential of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. CNS Drugs 36(5):451-482, 2022. PMCID: PMC9095537
18. Nall RW, Beloate LN, Meyerink ME, Penaloza T, Doolittle J, Froeliger B, Kalivas PW & Garcia-Keller C. Assessing combined effects of varenicline and N-acetylcysteine on reducing nicotine seeking in rats. Addict Biol 27(2):e13151, 2022. PMCID: In Progress.
19. Maier A, Dharan A, Oliver G, Berk M, Redston S, Back SE, Kalivas PW, Ng C & Kanaan RA. A multi-centre, double-blind, 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy of adjunctive N-Acetylcysteine for treatment-resistant PTSD: a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 20(1):397, 2020. PMCID: PMC7409699
20. Chalhoub RM & Kalivas PW. Non-Opioid Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder: Rationales and Data to Date. Drugs 80(15):1509-1524, 2020. PMCID: PMC7541583
21. Back SE, Gray K, Santa Ana E, Jones JL, Jarnecke AM, Joseph JE, Prisciandaro J, Killeen T, Brown DG, Taimina L, Compean E, Malcolm R, Flanagan JC & Kalivas PW. N-acetylcysteine for the treatment of comorbid alcohol use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder: Design and methodology of a randomized clinical trial. Contemp Clin Trials 91:105961, 2020. PMCID: PMC7333883
22. Ward P, Moss HG, Brown TR, Kalivas P & Jenkins DD. N-acetylcysteine mitigates acute opioid withdrawal behaviors and CNS oxidative stress in neonatal rats. Pediatr Res 88(1):77-84, 2020. PMCID: PMC7326708
23. Kruyer A, Ball LE, Townsend DM, Kalivas PW & Uys JD. Post-translational S-glutathionylation of cofilin increases actin cycling during cocaine seeking. PLoS One 14(9):e0223037, 2019. PMCID: PMC6759170
24. Womersley JS, Townsend DM, Kalivas PW & Uys JD. Targeting redox regulation to treat substance use disorder using N-acetylcysteine. Eur J Neurosci 50(3):2538-2551, 2019. PMCID: PMC6387857
25. Kalivas PW & Spencer S. Reply to: N-Acetylcysteine in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Biol Psychiatry 85(11):e61, 2019. PMCID: Not Required.
1. Thompson SL, O'Leary GH, Austelle CW, Gruber E, Kahn AT, Manett AJ, Short B & Badran BW. A Review of Parameter Settings for Invasive and Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Applied in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders. Front Neurosci 15:709436, 2021. PMCID: PMC8313807
2. O'Leary GH, Jenkins DD, Coker-Bolt P, George MS, Kautz S, Bikson M, Gillick BT & Badran BW. From adults to pediatrics: A review noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to facilitate recovery from brain injury. Prog Brain Res 264:287-322, 2021. PMCID: PMC8855635
3. Cui W, Wang Y, Ren J, Hubbard CS, Fu X, Fang S, Wang D, Zhang H, Li Y, Li L, Jiang T & Liu H. Personalized fMRI Delineates Functional Regions Preserved within Brain Tumors. Ann Neurol 91(3):353-366, 2022. PMCID: PMC9107064
4. Ren J, Hu Q, Wang W, Zhang W, Hubbard CS, Zhang P, An N, Zhou Y, Dahmani L, Wang D, Fu X, Sun Z, Wang Y, Wang R, Li L & Liu H. Fast cortical surface reconstruction from MRI using deep learning. Brain Inform 9(1):6, 2022. PMCID: PMC8907118
5. Cohen SL, Bikson M, Badran BW & George MS. A visual and narrative timeline of US FDA milestones for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) devices. Brain Stimul 15(1):73-75, 2022. PMCID: PMC8864803
6. Ren J, Xu T, Wang D, Li M, Lin Y, Schoeppe F, Ramirez JSB, Han Y, Luan G, Li L, Liu H & Ahveninen J. Individual Variability in Functional Organization of the Human and Monkey Auditory Cortex. Cereb Cortex 31(5):2450-2465, 2021. PMCID: PMC8023837
7. Lebois LAM, Li M, Baker JT, Wolff JD, Wang D, Lambros AM, Grinspoon E, Winternitz S, Ren J, Gonenc A, Gruber SA, Ressler KJ, Liu H & Kaufman ML. Large-Scale Functional Brain Network Architecture Changes Associated With Trauma-Related Dissociation. Am J Psychiatry 178(2):165-173, 2021. PMCID: PMC8030225
8. Li M, Dahmani L, Wang D, Ren J, Stocklein S, Lin Y, Luan G, Zhang Z, Lu G, Galie F, Han Y, Pascual-Leone A, Wang M, Fox MD & Liu H. Co-activation patterns across multiple tasks reveal robust anti-correlated functional networks. Neuroimage 227:117680, 2021. PMCID: PMC8034806
9. Yan Y, Dahmani L, Ren J, Shen L, Peng X, Wang R, He C, Jiang C, Gong C, Tian Y, Zhang J, Guo Y, Lin Y, Li S, Wang M, Li L, Hong B & Liu H. Reconstructing lost BOLD signal in individual participants using deep machine learning. Nat Commun 11(1):5046, 2020. PMCID: PMC7542429
10. Ren J, Hubbard CS, Ahveninen J, Cui W, Li M, Peng X, Luan G, Han Y, Li Y, Shinn AK, Wang D, Li L & Liu H. Dissociable Auditory Cortico-Cerebellar Pathways in the Human Brain Estimated by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity. Cereb Cortex 31(6):2898-2912, 2021. PMCID: PMC8107796
11. Wang D, Tian Y, Li M, Dahmani L, Wei Q, Bai T, Galie F, Ren J, Farooq RK, Wang K, Lu J, Wang K & Liu H. Functional connectivity underpinnings of electroconvulsive therapy-induced memory impairments in patients with depression. Neuropsychopharmacology 45(9):1579-1587, 2020. PMCID: PMC7360738
12. Wang D, Peng X, Pelletier-Baldelli A, Orlov N, Farabaugh A, Nasr S, Eryilmaz H, Fava M, Holmes AJ, Roffman JL, Liu H & Holt DJ. Altered temporal, but intact spatial, features of transient network dynamics in psychosis. Mol Psychiatry 26(6):2493-2503, 2021. PMCID: PMC8286268
13. Rosen AC, Bhat JV, Cardenas VA, Ehrlich TJ, Horwege AM, Mathalon DH, Roach BJ, Glover GH, Badran BW, Forman SD, George MS, Thase ME, Yurgelun-Todd D, Sughrue ME, Doyen SP, Nicholas PJ, Scott JC, Tian L & Yesavage JA. Targeting location relates to treatment response in active but not sham rTMS stimulation. Brain Stimul 14(3):703-709, 2021. PMCID: PMC8884259
14. Stoecklein VM, Stoecklein S, Galie F, Ren J, Schmutzer M, Unterrainer M, Albert NL, Kreth FW, Thon N, Liebig T, Ertl-Wagner B, Tonn JC & Liu H. Resting-state fMRI detects alterations in whole brain connectivity related to tumor biology in glioma patients. Neuro Oncol 22(9):1388-1398, 2020. PMCID: PMC7523460
15. Zhao Y, Dahmani L, Li M, Hu Y, Ren J, Lui S, Wang D, Kuang W, Gong Q & Liu H. Individualized Functional Connectome Identified Replicable Biomarkers for Dysphoric Symptoms in First-Episode Medication-Naive Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 8(1):42-51, 2023. PMCID: In Progress.
16. Kreisberg E, Esmaeilpour Z, Adair D, Khadka N, Datta A, Badran BW, Bremner JD & Bikson M. High-resolution computational modeling of the current flow in the outer ear during transcutaneous auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (taVNS). Brain Stimul 14(6):1419-1430, 2021. PMCID: PMC8608747
17. Badran BW, Huffman SM, Dancy M, Austelle CW, Bikson M, Kautz SA & George MS. A pilot randomized controlled trial of supervised, at-home, self-administered transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) to manage long COVID symptoms. Bioelectron Med 8(1):13, 2022. PMCID: PMC9402278
18. Lench DH, Turner TH, McLeod C, Boger HA, Lovera L, Heidelberg L, Elm J, Phan A, Badran BW & Hinson VK. Multi-session transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation for Parkinson's disease: evaluating feasibility, safety, and preliminary efficacy. Front Neurol 14:1210103, 2023. PMCID: PMC10406445
19. Badran BW, Peng X, Baker-Vogel B, Hutchison S, Finetto P, Rishe K, Fortune A, Kitchens E, O'Leary GH, Short A, Finetto C, Woodbury ML & Kautz S. Motor Activated Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Potential Neuromodulation Approach for Post-Stroke Motor Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 37(6):374-383, 2023. PMCID: PMC10363288
20. Badran BW & Peng X. Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS): a promising noninvasive deep brain stimulation approach for pain. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023. PMCID: In Progress.
21. Peng X, Baker-Vogel B, Sarhan M, Short EB, Zhu W, Liu H, Kautz S & Badran BW. Left or right ear? A neuroimaging study using combined taVNS/fMRI to understand the interaction between ear stimulation target and lesion location in chronic stroke. Brain Stimul 16(4):1144-1153, 2023. PMCID: In Progress.
Please place the following text in the acknowledgement section of publications and abstracts:
This study was supported in part by the Charleston Opioid Center on Addiction (NIDA P50 DA046373)