Medical Student Opportunities

In addition to our formal curricular activities, there are many other ways you can explore the dynamic field of Radiology.

Visiting Students
Interest Groups


We always welcome students to shadow our faculty, out of interest, or to meet their requirements in the Careers of Medicine curriculum. If interested in shadowing a radiologist, please contact Tiana Keener, Medical Student Coordinator at

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Visiting Students

The department welcomes students from other universities to complete a 4-week elective course during the final year of their studies. For more information and the application process, please see the Visiting Students section on our Clinical Curriculum page or contact Tiana Keener, Medical Student Coordinator at

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Interest Groups

The Radiology Interest Group (RIG)

The Radiology Interest Group at MUSC is a student run organization that strives to foster interest in the field of Radiology within the student body by hosting interactive sessions and lectures, thereby enabling students to better understand what radiologists do, in addition to learning about the various subspecialties and imaging modalities. We have a variety of meetings, from lectures and guest speakers to hands on experience like US labs. We also have many joint meetings with other interest groups on campus, demonstrating the wide and fascinating breadth of Radiology and how it is an important aspect in the multidisciplinary care of patients. As an organization, part of our mission is to assist students who are interested in a career in Radiology and get them connected with faculty members and mentors to organize research opportunities, as well as to provide guidance about the residency application process. We hope to see you at our next event!

For more information, please contact:

Sameer Abrol
RIG Co-President
Class of 2025

Garrison Moore  
RIG Co-President 
Class of 2025

Jen Cho
RIG Vice President 
Class of 2025

Mikayla Tiller
RIG Secretary
Class of 2026

Brendan McNeal
RIG Treasurer
Class of 2026

Emily Wilson
RIG Preclinical Coordinator
Class of 2027

The Vascular Interventional Radiology Interest Group (VIRIG)

The mission of the Vascular Interventional Radiology Interest Group is to support medical students who are interested in VIR and promote excellence in research, education, and procedures at MUSC. The VIRIG at MUSC provides medical students interested in the exciting field of IR a forum to meet training fellows and attending physicians who are specialists in the field and discuss the specialty in depth. Another objective of the VIRIG is to provide medical students with insight into the changes taking place in IR, which might otherwise seem unclear. Additionally the VIRIG allows earlier exposure of IR to preclinical students who may otherwise have little to no exposure prior to becoming clinical students. Likewise, students interested in pursuing research at MUSC benefit from the VIRIG as it provides a conduit for them to meet physicians with on-going research projects. The VIRIG hosts monthly meetings to facilitate the completion of these goals, as well as service projects, fundraisers, and yearly officer elections.

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For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Gillespie
VIRIG Co-President
Class of 2025

Dhruw Maisuria
VIRIG Co-President
Class of 2025

Garrison Moore
VIRIG Vice President
Class of 2025

Mahalia Huba
VIRIG Secretary 
Class of 2026

Vidyaa Gudivada
VIRIG Treasurer
Class of 2026

Evan Wilson
VIRIG Pre-Clerkship President
Class of 2027

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