Core Components

The MUSC SCORE coalesces investigators across different disciplines working closely together to explore sex differences in addictions and the relationship between stress and drug use. This project catalyzes further growth of interdisciplinary sex-based research on the MUSC campus and creates strategic partnerships to enhance the translation and dissemination of SCORE findings and other relevant research to improve women’s health.  Three distinct cores guide the momentum of the MUSC SCORE.

Biostatistics Resource Core

Image of person looking at bar graph

The MUSC SCORE Biostatistics Core provides comprehensive biostatistics analysis and data management support.

Biostatistics Core

Leadership Administrative Core

The Leadership Administrative Core (LAC) provides the organizational framework for addressing emergent issues, budgetary concerns and daily operations within the SCORE.

Leadership Core

Career Enhancement Core

Block person climbing up block steps

The Career Enhancement Core (CEC) is a scholar program that aims to expand foundational research training for early stage investigators.

Career Core