Surgical Critical Care Fellowship

Program Basics

100% Board Pass Rate | 100% Match Rate | 100% Job Placement

  • Established 2006, ACGME accredited
  • Number of fellows per year: 3
  • 2 positions = Surgical Critical Care
  • 1 position = Surgical Critical Care / Burn Certification *SCC / Burn Track ranked separately from SCC positions
  • Length: One year w/ possible non-accredited second year
  • Twelve months CC training at a Level One Trauma Center; primary rotation in STBICU
  • Limited in-house call (2 days per month including one 24 hr weekend call)
  • Weekend rounding approximately two weekends per month
  • Respond to Level A (high-level) traumas curing the day and on-call
  • Operative cases on ICU patients and on-call patients
  • Lead CC teaching conference (two per month)
  • Three to four months of elective critical care rotations including 1 month of burn
  • Access to Decker surgical critical care online curriculum and critical care practice test
  • ATLS instructor certification (if not already certified)
  • Moonlighting opportunities available, if desired

Why choose MUSC Surgical Critical Care?

  • Multiple faculty members with national profiles and leadership positions in various trauma, chest wall, and burn societies
  • Fellow participation in both research and quality-improvement projects based on career interests
  • Exposure to well established violence intervention program
  • Opportunity to utilize robot for emergency general surgery cases
  • Program pays for attendance at one national conference and one educational course of their choice (i.e. ECMO, ATOM, ASSET, etc)
  • Program pays for attendance at any conference if presenting research performed at MUSC
  • Exposure to wide patient population of critically ill patients, including burn, transplant (liver/kidney/pancreas), ECMO/LVAD, ENT, plastics, ortho, urology
  • Opportunity to design elective portion of rotations to reflect personal career choice (i.e. Interventional Radiology, Cardiac Anesthesia, EGS, PICU, NSICU, Palliative Care, etc.) as well as to participate in international elective rotation (South Africa) 

How to Apply

Applications are accepted through the Surgical Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Fellowship Application Service at the SAFAS website.

Contact Information

Alicia Privette M.D. 

Alicia Privette, M.D.
SCC Program Director

Diane Molnar

Diane Molnar
SCC Program Coordinator
Phone: 843-792-5976
Fax: 843-792-4523

Nationally Recognized Faculty

Bruce Crookes, M.D.
2017 President of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

Cynthia Talley, M.D.
Board of Directors for the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST). Serves as the Education Division Chair
Chair of the Member Service Committee of the Young Fellows Association (YFA) of the American College of Surgeons for a two-year term
Inaugural Cohort of the ACS Certificate in Applied Surgical Education Leadership Program

Heather Evans, M.D., MS
Member of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Steering Committee for the Society of Critical Care Medicine
Co-author on Evaluation of Wound Photography for Remote Postoperative Assessment of Surgical Site Infections published online in JAMA Surgery

Evert Eriksson, M.D.
Chair of the Lowcountry Regional Trauma Advisory Council (LC-RTAC)
Member of the Western Trauma Association
2025-2026 President, Chest Wall Injury Society

Stephen Fann, M.D.
President of the South Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.

Steven Kahn, M.D.
Co-chair of the Lowcountry Regional Trauma Advisory Council (LC-RTAC)

Meet the Residents

Riley Grogan, MD

Riley Grogan, MD

Residency: Gundersen Health System
Hometown: Polson, MT
Hobbies: Fly fishing, hunting, hiking, skiing, and water sports.

Steadman Wang, MD 

Steadman Wang, MD

Residency: St. Luke's University Hospital
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Hobbies: Working out, fishing/boating, traveling, exploring new restaurants, and walking on the beach in the morning with my wife and golden retriever named Max.