Educator Resources
Academy of Medical Educators - The Academy of Medical Educators provides faculty development opportunities for all College of Medicine faculty with specific benefits for Academy members.
“Teaching Requirements for Promotion and Tenure” (PDF) “Developing Your Teaching Portfolio” (PDF)
APPLE Tree - Faculty development opportunities related to teaching and learning. Innovative technologies and methods for teaching and learning. Networking, events, and newsletters.
ARROW - Initiative for the Advancement, Recruitment, and Retention of Women sponsors workshops, roundtables, networking, career development, grant reviews, and more.
COM Education Policies and Procedures - Faculty committee opportunities, by laws, governance structure and procedures, are found on the COM intranet via horseshoe and require login
MUSC Writing Center - MUSC faculty are welcome to schedule individual appointments and/or group sessions to discuss any writing projects, from papers for publications to grant proposals, curriculum development (teaching), APT personal statement/packets, and CVs.
NBME test writing guide - Basic Science and Clinical Science Exams are designed to assess basic and clinical science knowledge at the end of a course, clerkship, or other unit of instruction.
The Office of Faculty Affairs, Development and Wellbeing has created a roadmap document to guide your professional development, promotion readiness and wellbeing by rank! Roadmaps to Success for the Academic Investigator Roadmap and Clinician Educator Roadmap. Tab to "Researcher Resources" to access and view Roadmaps.
Simulation Center - The MUSC Simulation Center serves the MUSC enterprise with activities ranging from basic skills training to complex immersive scenarios to increase knowledge and improve skills for individuals or groups
Teaching Physician - web-based resource packed with videos, teaching strategies and tips, answers for faculty educators. More than 175 learning modules are available on topics including: Preparation• Residents as Teachers• Orienting Learners• Precepting Principles• Teaching Strategies• Professionalism• Feedback & Evaluation• Learners in Difficulty• After the Rotation. Access through MUSC Intranet.
Telehealth - Telehealth Health Center - Resources for patients, health care providers and researchers.