Faculty Development

Gerard A. Silvestri, M.D., MS

The Department of Medicine is committed to providing career planning and development for our faculty and trainees to thrive in their roles as clinicians, researchers, educators, mentors, and leaders. We offer these resources through our faculty development program, led by Dr. Gerard Silvestri, the Senior Vice Chair for Faculty Development. Dr. Silvestri's priority and focus is the academic success of every faculty member in the department, which he aims to achieve through the following:

Our goals and responsibilities include:

  • Promote rewarding and sustainable mentoring relationships through mentorship training, support tools, and oversight
  • Enhance faculty scholarship through educational programs in scientific writing, grant proposal development, and project development
  • Provide support and resources to aid faculty in the annual promotion and tenure process
  • Assist with the recruitment and retention of faculty from a wide variety of backgrounds and multicultural experiences
  • Connect faculty to relevant intramural/extramural career development programs and awards 

Annual Faculty Evaluation Process – Interfolio

Interfolio is the system implemented by the Provost’s Office for use by faculty in all MUSC colleges; it serves as the new central repository for all MUSC faculty curriculum vitae, the system of record for MUSC faculty appointments and other information, and as the tool for online faculty evaluations.

A step-by-step guide, including log-in instructions has been developed for use by COM faculty for completing the self-evaluation and goal-setting process within Interfolio. Learn More.

Quick Links:

What is the timeline?

  1. March-April: Faculty complete annual faculty evaluation in Interfolio; access prior year goals, set new goals
  2. May-June: Division Directors review, add comments and schedule individual meetings and complete faculty evaluation

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact Melissa Wimberly, Faculty Affairs Coordinator, at hugh@musc.edu.

Appointment, Promotion & Tenure

At MUSC promotion and tenure are different decisions, criteria, and applications. These guidelines will support advancement of all faculty, enable informed decisions regarding tenure, and increase flexibility to support changes in career paths. For additional information and resources, please visit the MUSC College of Medicine Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure website.