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Continuing Medical Education

The MUSC Office of Continuing Medical Education is committed to supporting the lifelong learning process of physicians and other health care providers by providing high quality educational opportunities designed to advance the quality and safety of patient care in South Carolina by enhancing learner competence and practice performance. The MUSC Office of CME is a strategic and organizational resource in the creation and development of continuing education activities for physicians, health care professionals and interprofessional teams. Through collaborative relationships with university departments and organizations within our state and region, the MUSC Office of CME is able to provide leadership in achieving improved health care outcomes.


MUSC Office of CME Newsletter

February 2025

Board Submittal Authorization

Up until July 1, 2023, the ABS (American Board of Surgeons) allowed Surgeons to self-reported their credits directly to the ABS.  After this date, the ABS now requires all credit reporting to be uploaded to the ACCME through the provider (MUSC Office of CME).  The ACCME then submits the information to the ABS.

The ABS requires 150 credits over a 5 year period.  Of the 150 credits, 50 are self-assessment credits and the remaining 100 are considered “Accredited CME Credit”.  The credits we offer for RSS activities (grand rounds, tumor boards, etc,) would not apply towards the self-assessment, but rather the Accredited CME Credit type.

The MUSC Office will upload information to the ACCME on a quarterly basis (starting at the end of January 2024).  However in order to submit this information, individual authorization is required.  Authorization can be done through the following link:  Board Submittal Authorization Form

Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances Resources:

The following links offer FREE CME/CE training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders:

  1. tipSC
  2. AMA - Opioid Therapy and Pain Management CME: Guidelines, Research and Treatments
  3. NEJM - Pain Management and Opioids
  4. Providers Clinical Support System -  Online Pediatric Buprenorphine Training (8 Hours) 


Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently released materials related to the new Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act. The Act requires new or renewing DEA licensees, as of June 27, 2023, to have completed a total of at least eight hours of training on opioid or other substance use disorders and the appropriate treatment of pain.

ACCME compiled a number of frequently asked questions to address potential inquiries related to the MATE Act and accredited continuing education (CE), available here.