MUSC students at graduation

Medical Students (M.D.)

The College of Medicine admits approximately 180 students each year into the MD Degree Program.  Students are awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree upon their completion of the college’s academic and professionalism requirements. Two years of foundational pre-clerkship instruction, one-year of core clinical clerkship instruction, and one year of advanced clinical clerkships and clinical elective rotations comprise the four years of educational effort leading to the MD degree.  An accelerated track offers a select number of eligible students the opportunity to complete their degree in three years and join one of the participating residency programs at MUSC. A parallel clinical track at the MUSC-AnMed Health Clinical Campus offers accepted students the opportunity to complete  a comparable, primary-care focused clinical curriculum (year 3 and  year 4) in a community-based setting.

All students are taught, mentored, and supervised by MUSC faculty members. The MD Degree Program curriculum, instruction and assessment are built upon the program objectives, the COM Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs).


Students sitting outside

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Pathways and Engagement

Learn more about Pathway Resources & Comprehensive Mentoring and Excellence (PRIME) in the College of Medicine.


Student Affairs

Incoming Students

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Students in class

Learn more about the College of Medicine's Curriculum.

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Assessment, Evaluation & QI

Assessment and Evaluation

Learn more about the Office of Assessment, Evaluation and Quality Improvement at the College of Medicine.

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