Researchers with scientific posters

Addiction Neuroscience Research Seminars

These seminars, coordinated and jointly hosted by the Alcohol Research Center (ARC), and NIDA-supported Center for Opioid and Cocaine Addiction (COCA) and Women's Research Center (SCORE), are held on Thursdays (12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. EST). Seminar speakers present a formal lecture and then meet individually or in small groups with interested faculty and trainees. Although intended primarily for the enrichment of the faculty and trainees, the presentations of these prominent scientists are advertised to the MUSC academic community as well.

Research Seminars

Alcohol Research Center sponsored visiting scientist seminars for 2023-2024 academic year:

Seminar Title: TBD
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Speaker: TBD

Alcohol Research Group (ARG) Lunch Meetings

These meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month (12noon-1pm EST). These meetings are open to all faculty, students and trainees interested in alcohol research. The main objective is to provide postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students a forum for presenting their latest research findings.

Alcohol Research Journal Club Meetings

These meetings are scheduled every other Friday (11am-12noon) and are attended by ARC faculty, students, and trainees. The main goal of these meetings is to have students and trainees present new experimental approaches and findings in recent published papers relevant to the overall research mission of the ARC.