Employee and Trainee Well Being

Neurology residents posing at an event

Medical University of South Carolina Department of Neurology Commitment Statement on Healthcare Employee and Trainee Well Being

As a health care institution, we have the responsibility to teach, model, and create an environment that fosters both physical and emotional health for our patients, our community, our families, and ourselves. The leadership recognizes the integral role healthy, passionate, and engaged caregivers play in fulfilling this mission. They recognize the unique stressors faced by health care employees. They are committed to partnering with the faculty, trainees, and staff to understand workplace factors that both promote wellness and contribute to burnout.


  • Develop and implement strategies to reduce burnout, retain neurologists in practice, increase the number of neurology trainees, and continue to provide high-quality neurologic care.
  • Improve work-life balance for all neurology team members
  • Develop strategies to mitigate the effect of external and internal factors on healthcare employee wellness
  • Identify organizational and health care system factors that increase the risk of distress for health care employees


  • Involve managing triggers and addressing symptoms:
    • Foster resilience
    • Improve mood and reduce burnout
  • Reduce work factors that lead to burnout
  • Participate in Leisure time activities
  • Routine contact with colleagues to discuss patients and stressors
  • Fostering relationships with friends and family
  • Personal reflection sessions, access to mindfulness based and cognitive behavioral approaches to reduce stress