Critical Care Research cells

Critical Care Research

The Section of Critical Care contains a robust and varied research portfolio while providing mentorship for students and trainees at all levels.

Our faculty have expertise in late phase clinical trials, digital technology and telehealth, large archival data analysis, implementation science and quality improvement, and the development and use of machine learning models. This combined knowledge has been leveraged into a number of distinct yet overlapping research programs including: 1) multicenter trials in the prevention, treatment and monitoring of sepsis and ARDS, 2) the use of digital health resources and clinical decision support to optimize adherence to best practices and mitigate provider burnout, 3) approaches to improve ICU recovery, and 4) artificial intelligence approaches to phenotyping patients with respiratory failure among others. In these pursuits, our faculty are supported by the NIH, HRSA and other federal funding agencies as well as select industry partners.

We regularly serve on a variety of committees within ATS, CHEST, SCCM, ACP, ABIM, and other professional societies. We are committed to mentoring residents and fellows interested in training in pulmonary and critical care medicine.

To learn more about the research interests of individual faculty members, please use the links below: