Additional Resources

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by shifts in mood that last for days or even weeks. Mood shifts typically range from feeling “up” and “energized” to “down” and "depressed." These mood shifts are commonly accompanied by changes in sleep, energy, and activity level. Excessive alcohol and/or drug use is very common among individuals with Bipolar Disorder and tends to co-occur with shifts in mood. Bipolar Disorder is a complex condition that can be debilitating. Researchers and clinicians at MUSC continue to work towards improving the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of Bipolar Disorder.

If you have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and are interested in participating in a research study, contact the MUSC Bipolar Disorder Research Center at 843-792-7500 or

Treatment Resources

Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs
Alcoholics Anonymous: Tri-County Intergroup Office
Narcotics Anonymous: Port City Area
Charleston-Dorchester Mental Health Center
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center