Message From Dr. Scott Reeves

The Department of Anesthesia's “can-do” mentality along with all that our beautiful city has to offer creates a wonderful environment in which to train, work and live.

Read The Chair's Message

About Our Faculty & Department

The Department

The Critical Care Anesthesia faculty members are recognized leaders in the field with peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, in addition to speaking at national conferences such as the American Society of Anesthesiologists and Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists yearly meetings. All of our critical care faculty members are board-certified in both Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. The Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine at MUSC is a highly integrated, collaborative group of adult and pediatric anesthesiologists. The department is comprised of 50+ staff anesthesiologists, 60 residents in clinical anesthesia training, and more than 50+ nurse anesthetists who are all committed to providing optimal care to adult and pediatric patients requiring anesthesia. 

Members of the department also conduct basic and clinical research and teach postgraduate and continuing education programs. MUSC anesthesiologists supervise over greater than 35,000 annual cases requiring anesthesia. This large number of cases, integrated with ongoing research and education, results in wide-ranging expertise in anesthetic and critical care management. The critical care division of our department maintains an outstanding working relationship with our surgical critical care, pulmonary critical care, neurocritical care, and cardiothoracic colleagues' creating a multidisciplinary environment that benefits our fellows' educational experience.

Key Highlights: 

  • 12 Faculty members, 4 dual-trained CT-CC faculty members
  • Variety of training backgrounds (MUSC, John's Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, WashU, Columbia)

The Faculty

Laura Hannah Bell, M.D.

Rob Bowen, M.D.

Patrick Britell, M.D.

Clark, CarleeCarlee Clark, M.D. - ICCE Chief

EastmanBrad Eastman, D.O.

Dr. Larry FieldLarry Field, M.D.

FordTimothy Ford, M.D.

FosterJohn Foster, M.D. 

        Matthew Hulse, MD - Division Director

McKinnonJared McKinnon, M.D.

McMurrayJeff McMurray, M.D. - Director & Co-Medical Director, CVICU

PatelRishi Patel, M.D. - Associate Director

PhillipsMaxie Phillips, D.O.  

TarwadePritee Tarwade, MBBS