About Our Research

Department of Family Medicine Research Section studies multiple research topics. These topics include how to transform practices so that preventive services are offered more reliably to patients, physicians use medications optimally to manage chronic and acute conditions, and technology expands access to care.

Area of active research include: 
Practice transformation and population health
Electronic and video visits program development and assessment
Underserved populations
Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
PrEP for HIV
Behavioral Health
Graduate Medical Education
Prostate cancer disparities and screening
Breast cancer survivors care

Grant Funding

Grant funding is important for any research enterprise. In addition, the ability to garner grant support is an affirmation that the research ideas are promising and deemed worthy by panels of experts. One sign of our success is that the Department of Family Medicine has demonstrated an admirable track record in securing research funding over the past 10 years. Funding has come from a number of prominent sources including federal sources such as the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, Agency for Health care Research and Quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Health Services Research Administration as well as private foundation support from the Duke Endowment.


The Department faculty members produce many publications each academic year. These papers include, research publications, clinical reviews, book chapters, and commentaries. Additionally, some faculty members give scholarly presentations regarding research in which they have been involved. 

Clinical Research

The department periodically conducts clinical research programs for which we need volunteers to participate. There are currently no clinical trials being conducted in the Department of Family Medicine. If you are interested in finding out about other research opportunities being offered at MUSC, please visit South Carolina Research Studies Directory and browse by Medical University of South Carolina.