2024 Surgery Research Day Poster and Oral Presentations

Poster Presentations

Posters are presented online!  Please view each of the posters and vote for two using this link https://forms.office.com/r/DY8192qvjW

  • Voting begins on Monday, October 21 and closes Thursday, October 24 at midnight
  • Voting is open to DOS members and is limited to one submission per person (NetID required). *Note that voting on a mobile device requires Microsoft Edge.
  • Printed posters will be on display beginning Thursday at 5pm in the Drug Discovery Building lobby.

Innate Lymphoid Cells Facilitate the Resolution of Liver Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury
Michael Kao; Yue Wang; Chen Zhong; Nan Xia; Tori Huey; Thomas Morinelli; Dirk Van Der Windt; Yuan Zhai

Outcomes of Isolated Heart Transplantation in Patients with Reduced Renal Function Not Meeting New Eligibility Criteria for Simultaneous Heart-Kidney Transplantation
Krishna Bhandari, MD
, Jennie Kwon, MD, Akinwale Victor Famotire, MS, Tristan Covell, BS, Chakradhari Inampudi, MD, Arman Kilic, MD

Glucose-regulated Protein 94 (GRP94) is Indispensable for Endoderm Formation and β Cell Differentiation of Human Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)
Hua Wei
, Christiana Kappler, Erica Green, Hongjun Wang 

A Target for Intervention: Poor Adherence to Clinic Follow-Up after Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents and Young Adults
Curry Sherard BA
, Mary K Bryant MD MSCR, Aaron Lesher MD MSCR

The Impact of Timing of Bariatric Surgery Relative to Kidney Transplantation on Allograft Function and Perioperative Outcomes
Ronit Pathak
, Teresa C Rice, David J Taber, Mary K Bryant

Balloon Atrial Septostomy During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation For Refractory Pediatric Shock
Sloan V Rhodes BS
, Mathew Gregoski PhD, Laura E Hollinger MD

Anatomy of the Interchondral Joints and the Effects on Mobility of Ribs in the Lower Rib Cage
Akyeampong D
, Hoey A, Ganske B, Muir C, Hallmark J, Patel A, Privette A, Kubalak S, Eriksson EA

Outcomes following the development and implementation of a multi-component, multidisciplinary cardiogenic shock program
Morgan Hill
, Anthony Carnicelli, Jeffrey Yourshaw, Brian A. Houston, Lucas Witer, Jeffrey McMurray, Kaylen Dodson, Lindsey Bull, Jennifer Hajj, Mary C. Summer, Arman Kilic

Enhancing Triple Negative Breast Cancer Immune Response: Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 2 Monoclonal Antibody Increases Tumor-Associated Macrophage Ratio and INF-ƴ and Suppresses Primary and  Metastatic Growth
Lillian Hsu
, Julie Siegel, Patrick Nasarre, Nathaniel Oberholtzer, Rupak Mukherjee, Eleanor Hilliard, Olivia Sweatt, Elizabeth O’Quinn, Mohamed Faisal Kassir, Rachel Burge, Paramita Chakraborty, Michael Ostrowski, Shikhar Mehrotra, Nancy Klauber-DeMore

Dissemination of the 2022 ASMBS and IFSO Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery: what has reached primary care providers?
John Hulse
, MD; Richard Slay, MD; Mary Kate Bryant, MD, MSCR; T. Karl Byrne, MD; Rana Pullatt, MD

How to optimize guideline concordant extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after cancer surgery: A qualitative study on surgeon attitudes within a regional health system
Megan Scharner
, Shannon Phillips, Nivetha Baskar, Natalie Koren, Maggie Westfal, Thomas Curran

Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration Utilization Within the VA: A Needs Assessment Survey
Macelyn Batten
, DO; Maggie Bosley, MD; Heather Evans, MD; B. Fernando Santos, MD

Implementation of Centralized MMR Sequencing of Colorectal Cancer Specimens Increases Genetic Screening Efficacy
Jeffrey Rodgers
, Preeti Singh, Katsiaryna Khatskevich, Tyler Michael, Issac Brown, Chadi Hajar, Thomas Curran, Virgilio George, Pinckney Maxwell, Maggie Westfal, Colleen Donahue

Role of hospital violence intervention programs in post-injury healthcare utilization and injury recidivism
Hannah Mixer-Kephart
, MS; Abigail Ryan; Catherine Yetman, BS; Mary Margaret Achurch, MS; Christa Green, MPH; Ashley Hink, MD, MPH

Five-Year Update on the 2018 Change in Heart Allocation Policy
Jennie H. Kwon, MD, Ali S. Merzah, MD, Natalia Roa-Vidal, MD, Lucas J. Witer, MD, Brian A. Houston, MD, Ryan J. Tedford, MD, Prabhakar K. Baliga, MD, Arman Kilic, MD

Evaluation of Mesh Placement in Adolescents Undergoing Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study
Brielle Ochoa
, R. Scott Eldredge, Benjamin Padilla, Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Collaborative Group

Cancer-Related Mortality Trends and Demographic Disparities in Young Adults in the United States between 1999 and 2020
Alexander J. Didier, BS; Alan Fahoury, BS; Swamroop Nandwani, BS; Andrew Campbell, MD, Macelyn Batten, DO; Jeffrey M. Sutton, MD FACS FSSO


Oral Presentation Abstracts

Optimizing Expansion of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Utilizing the GREX platform
Stephanie Mills
, Paramita Chakraborty, Yueying Liu, Michael Lilly, Shikhar Mehrotra

Near Perfect Prediction of Mortality 24-Hours in Advance in a Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Using Artificial Intelligence
Curry Sherard, BA
, John Del Gaizo, Ph.D., Zachary W. Sollie, M.D., Andrew Wright, MS, Sanford Zeigler, M.D., Arman Kilic, M.D.

Acceleration of Aortopathy in the Setting of Neurogenic Hypertension
Heather Holman
, Ying Xiong, Rupak Mukherjee, Sanford Zeigler, Jean Marie Ruddy, Jeffrey A. Jones, Ph.D.

A “CLOT” to handle: extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis utilization after colorectal cancer resection is low regardless of patient factors or hospital characteristics
Alexander Booth, M.D., MSCR, Colleen Donahue, M.D., Daniel Brinton, Ph.D., MHA, Maggie Westfal, M.D., MPH, Virgilio Georger, M.D., Pinckney Johnstone Maxwell IV, M.D., Kit Simpson, D.Phil., Thomas Curran, M.D., MPH

You are what you eat: harnessing endothelial cell autophagy as a potential donor organ pre-treatment strategy
Meredith E. Taylor, Dinesh Jaishankar, Luisa Andrade da Silva, Krishna Madavaraju, Ashley P. Strouse, Yu Min Lee, Jaqueline Burke, Evan Scott, Satish N. Nadig

Evaluation of Lung Function in an Ex Vivo Murine Model using flexiVent Technology
D. Bailey Watts, BS, Morgan A. Hill, M.D., Megan Tennant, Ph.D., Richard O’Neil, Ph.D., Barry C. Gibney, D.O.

Shared Decision Making in Early-Stage Lung Cancer Treatment: Adapting a Previously Developed Tool for an Underserved Patient Population
Reid Keller, Saylor Hardin, MPH, Benjamin Kozower, M.D., MPH, Eric Klipsch M.D., Barry C. Gibney D.O., Ian C Bostock M.D., MS, Graham Warren, M.D., Ph.D., Brian Lally M.D., Kathryn E. Engelhardt, M.D., MS

Use of Volumetric Analysis of Positron Emission Tomography Scans to Predict Pathologic Response in Esophageal Cancer
Eric Klipsch, M.D., David Mann, D.O., Kyle Duckworth, BS, Jeffrey Rodgers, MS, Kelly Sokevitz, BSN, Barry C. Gibney DO, Kathryn E. Engelhardt, M.D., MS, Dhiraj Baruah, M.D., Ian C. Bostock, M.D., MS

A Feasibility Study Comparing Virtual and Face to Face Care Using a Novel Telemedicine Optimized Burn Intervention (TOBI) for Pediatric Burn-injured Patients and Their Caregivers
Allison Frederick
, Yulia Gavrilova, Natalie Koren, Rohit Mittal, Lucas McDuffie, Aaron Lesher

Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Signaling of Resolvin D2 on Murine Thoracic Aortic Fibroblasts
Chi Chi Do-Nguyen, D.O.
, Ying Xiong, Ph.D., Rupak Mukherjee, Ph.D., Jeffrey Jones, Ph.D., Nicolas Pope, M.D.