Endo division picture

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, & Metabolic Diseases

The MUSC Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases strives to improve the quality of life for patients through clinical and lab-based research discoveries, multi-faceted patient services and training of new generations of physicians.


Our professional educational programs are aimed not only at medical students, residents, and fellows, but also at the broad spectrum of health care providers in hospitals and in the community, who must work in teams to provide first class clinical care. We also place a major emphasis on education of communities, patients, their families, the general public, and makers of policies that affect community health. 

Our clinical fellowship program, with five ACGME-approved positions, seeks academically oriented physicians for two- and three-year training programs. There are opportunities for our fellows to experience clinical and basic science research during their fellowships. 

Learn more about our Endocrinology Fellowship Programs


Our research program is a cornerstone of the Division. Research areas of greatest interest are diabetes and its vascular complications, diabetic pregnancy, and lipidology. We conduct clinical and basic science research with strong emphasis on collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists on linking different disciplines that are relevant to diabetes. The collaboration also extends to building partnerships with communities. In particular, we are interested to work with minority communities that are severely afflicted by diabetes, to address health disparities, and to involve trainees in research.   

Our investigators have national and international reputations. Their work is funded by the NIH, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Foundations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart Association. We also receive support from the South Carolina state government for the Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina, and from pharmaceutical companies. Philanthropic donations from individuals and foundations, such as the W.M. Keck Foundation and the Yaschik Foundation also support our work. 

Learn more about our Endocrinology Research Program

Patient Care 

Our clinical work encompasses the full spectrum of endocrinology, including thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, bone, gonadal, and metabolic disorders. Diabetes services are undergoing rapid expansion in collaboration with many other disciplines and partners on and off campus. Our goal is to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes and other endocrine disorders. 

Learn more about our Patient Care services