
Epilepsy Division Staff

The MUSC Health Comprehensive Epilepsy Center offers advanced diagnostics, multidisciplinary planning, and a full spectrum of medical and surgical therapies. Our team of clinicians and researchers are all working together in leading-edge facilities designed specifically for the needs of the epilepsy patient. Our Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has been designated a Level 4 Epilepsy Center –the highest designation given by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers. This NAEC accreditation recognizes extensive expertise and truly comprehensive care in the medical, surgical, social, and psychological management of epilepsy.

The overall treatment goal is to eliminate epilepsy in each patient’s life, often removing a barrier that has compromised every aspect of living for years. Dedicated epilepsy nursing and social work help ensure excellent case management and compliance, as well as a smooth transition to life-after-epilepsy.

Our team brings together medical and surgical specialists who have devoted their careers to the management of epilepsy. Patient care is supported by a wide variety of specialists from the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, nursing, radiology, psychiatry, speech and language pathology, social work, and research.