Educational Conferences

Neurology Resident Core Curriculum

resident core cirriculumThe neurology resident curriculum consists of a daily noon conference. This conference is protected for residents by having emergency patient care covered by other team members. The curriculum has been designed to cover clinical and basic science topics emphasized by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Lectures are given by neurology faculty on a 12-month cycle and are given in subspecialty blocks. Lectures are recorded and are available online for individual study. Prior to the annual in-service exam, we have a board review block.


Morning Report

Morning report is conducted Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. and Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. This consists of a resident-led discussion of an interesting case, precepted by an attending. The Tuesday morning report is a formal case conference presentation. The Wednesday morning report is an informal discussion of a recent case seen by the resident on our emergency neurology rotation. 

Professor Rounds

Every other week one of more senior faculty will join our inpatient general neurology team to discuss and examine an interesting patient. This allows for our residents to spend extra time discussing a case and learn from our more experienced faculty who do not rotate on the inpatient services.

Neuroradiology Conference

Once a month faculty, fellows, and residents from Neurology and Neuroradiology gather to discuss interesting and unique cases. This is a great opportunity for different specialties to learn from each other and has been a hit among both faculty and trainees.

Division Conferences

Each division hosts their own monthly conference that are geared towards fellows and attendings in that division.  Many of these conferences are held at noon-time (in place of the Resident noon conference) or on Thursday mornings.  Residents are encouraged to attend these whenever possible. These include:

  • Cerebrovascular Conference
  • Behavioral Neurology Conference
  • Epilepsy Fellow Conference
  • Movement Disorders Video Conference

Neurology Grand Rounds

This conference is scheduled for Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Speakers include faculty from within our department as well as invited speakers from other departments at MUSC and outside our university.


Resident participation in research is encouraged. Residents in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of training are required to present at our annual Robert J. Adams Neurology Research Day, which occurs each year in May. Presentations range from case reports to basic science research, retrospective chart reviews, and in some cases prospective clinical trials.Those who anticipate pursuing a career in academic medicine have the option of devoting up to six months of elective time to pursue a more complex project. Emphasis is upon clinical research and novel features of patient disorders, with opportunities to participate in clinical therapeutic trials. Recent resident projects have included:

  • Detection and treatment protocols of nonepileptic seizures.
  • Functional neuroimaging in Epilepsy.
  • Prediction of outcome following epilepsy surgery.
  • Study of cardiac physiology during Complex-partial, GTC, and Nonepileptic seizure activity.
  • MRI based assessment of atherosclerotic plaque composition in cerebrovascular disease.
  • Predictors of outcome following intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Clinical utility of APOE4 genotyping in dementia patients.
  • Predictors of clinical response to disease-modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis.
  • Posterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusions are Associated with Longer Door-to-Groin Time
  • Resident Tele-education using the Zeriscope Device
  • Mapping the Neural Basis of Declarative Verbal Memory: Evidence from Mesial Temporal Lobe Lesions
  • Seizure Comorbidity Increases Odds of 30-Day Readmission after an Index Hospitalization for Sepsis
  • Advanced Cardiac Imaging in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. When to Scan?
  • The Diagnostic Utility of Ambulatory EEG Following Nondiagnostic Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Admissions