Fellows training

IM Residency Application Information

In accordance with the policies set forth in the Medical University of South Carolina Resident Handbook, developed by the Office of Graduate Medical Education, residents are selected on a fair and equal basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Selection is based upon aptitude, academic credentials, personal characteristics and ability to communicate verbally and in writing.

The Department of Medicine Residency Program interviews approximately 350 preliminary, categorical, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics and Internal Medicine/Psychiatry intern candidates per year. The program participates in the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS) for the screening and selection of qualified candidates to interview.

We conduct a holistic file review of the entire ERAS application.

MUSC is an equal opportunity employer, and all applicants are given equal consideration.

Once a candidate has been selected to interview and an invitation has been offered, the candidate schedules an interview date through ERAS. The program typically interviews between ten and fifteen candidates per interview date.

For the 2024-2025 interview season, everything will be conducted through virtual platforms. The candidates will begin their visit to MUSC by reviewing more detailed supplemental information that will be accessible after receiving an interview invitation. The night before the interview there will be a virtual “happy hour” with current housestaff. The following day, they will attend morning report and will meet briefly with the Program Director, Department Chairman and Chief Residents. Each candidate will be interviewed individually by two faculty members in separate 20-minute interviews. Candidates will also be given a virtual tour of the campus and will socialize with housestaff during the break between interviews.

Faculty interviewers submit evaluations of each candidate to the Program Coordinator for incorporation in their application files. Each candidate’s file is then evaluated by at least two members of the Resident Selection Committee. The files are evaluated on the basis of school record, letters of recommendation and personal interviews with MUSC faculty.

The Selection Committee then gives each candidate a numeric ranking. After careful review of the rank list, the Program Coordinator submits the listing to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

How to Apply: