Burn Track Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program

The South Carolina Burn Center/MUSC Burn Fellowship provides an immersive experience centered around burn surgery and multidisciplinary burn management with a strong foundation of surgical critical care with a curriculum developed from the published guidelines of the ACGME, American Board of Surgery, and American Burn Association.

Program Basics

  • One-year fellowship.
  • The fellow will be eligible for ABS board certification in Surgical Critical Care and will obtain an institutional certificate of completion of the burn fellowship.
  • Rotations: four months surgical ICU, one month CVICU, two months PICU/peds burn service, three months BICU/adult burn service, one month adult burn, one month of plastic surgery and anesthesia. The fellow will participate in burn care for at least six months of the fellowship.
  • The primary goal of this fellowship is to train surgeons that are interested in performing primarily high-quality and patient-centered burn care.  The secondary goal is to produce surgeons who provide outstanding burn care as a focus within their career of acute care surgery or plastic surgery.

Why choose MUSC/The South Carolina Burn Center?

  • The South Carolina Burn Center
  • The breadth of clinical exposure: as South Carolina’s only burn center, the catchment area is both broad and highly variable in both adult and pediatric populations as well as a large range of TBSA, comorbidities, and mechanisms of injury.
  • Significant exposure to surgical interventions for acute burn injury, including minimally invasive grafting techniques, chemical escharectomy, and ongoing management including reconstruction and laser therapies.
  • Robust multidisciplinary team of students of all types, residents, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists, nursing educators and program coordinators, social workers, and psychologists.  
  • Involvement of the Burn Center at both the regional and national levels with the Southern Burn Conference and The American Burn Association.  
  • Participation in research, including clinical trials.
  • Charleston and the surrounding area of South Carolina provides a beautiful and vibrant location to live and when away from the hospital.
  • Training on health economics and burn center management
  • Restrictive, plasma based resuscitation