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2022 Awards

Awards Ceremony

The Department of Surgery presented the inaugural Awards Ceremony, which recognized our exceptional faculty and trainees for their outstanding educational achievements, patient care, and research. This year, we presented awards previously delivered at the annual graduation dinners. We instituted several new awards to recognize our residents' excellence in patient care, education,  professionalism, and leadership. We were honored to have David B. Adams, M.D., Distinguished University Professor Emeritus present our inaugural Awards Ceremony Lecture. Dr. Adams provided an insightful and inspiring talk "Every Generation is the Greatest."    

Invited Lecturer: David B. Adams, M.D.

Dr. Adams Talk

Dr. Adams, who served MUSC for 32 years, is a rare combination of successful clinician and beloved teacher.

He has mentored countless surgeons throughout his career. Many are current leaders in their fields and credit not only their success, but their kindness, compassion, and humility to the lessons they learned from him.

Upon Dr. Adams' retirement in 2018, he was honored with the Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian honor awarded to citizens of SouthCarolina for their extraordinary lifetime service and achievements. 

Awards Ceremony

Future Surgical Leaders Certificates

Awarded to preliminary and graduating residents who have successfully completed the Future Surgical Leaders curriculum. Delivered by Cynthia Talley, M.D., Vice-Chair of Education

Leadership Certificate Presentations

Awardees with Cynthia Talley, M.D., vice chair of Education: (left to right Patrick Dennis, M.D., Cathy Chung, M.D. and Michael O'Laughlin, M.D. Missing: Raphael Parrado, M.D. and Leeanna Clevenger, M.D.) 

Student Teaching Awards 

Resident Award for Excellence in Student Teaching

Awarded to the resident whose teaching efforts are recognized by the MUSC College of Medicine third-year students as the most outstanding among all of the Department of Surgery house staff. The award is based on evaluations submitted by the third-year students at the end of their required surgery clerkship.

Honoree: Tyler Reeves, M.D. 


Faculty Award for Excellence in Student Teaching

Awarded to a surgical mentor who not only challenges and educates students but who serves as a role model for future physicians. The recipient is nominated by medical students after their 3rd and 4th-year surgery rotation and selected based on the following criteria: mentorship, scholarship, integrity, and dedication. Delivered by Mathew Wooster, M.D. Medical Student Clerkship Associate Program Director and Kris Banks-Smalls, MBA, Undergraduate Medical Education Coordinator.

  Honoree: Angello Lin, M.D. 


Plastic Surgery Award 

Trailblazer Award

This award recognizes the first graduate of the Integrated Plastic Surgery Program at the Medical University of South Carolina. Delivered by Milton Armstrong, M.D., Program Director, Plastic Surgery Fellowship Program

Trailblazer Award 
Honoree: Kiandra Scott, M.D. (pictured with Milton Armstrong, M.D.) 

Cardiothoracic Surgery Awards  

The Carolyn Reed, M.D. Fellowship Award

This travel award is given to cardiothoracic surgery residents who have demonstrated an eagerness to learn and teach, a dedication to the specialty, and enthusiasm for making a difference. Delivered by Barry Gibney, D.O., Cardiothoracic Surgery Associate Program Director

Carolyn Elaine Reed, M.D. (1950-2012) dedicated 27 years to the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Reed was widely recognized as a superb clinical surgeon, an outstanding educator, and a leader in the field of thoracic surgery throughout the world.

Honoree: Jennie Kwon, M.D.

Fred A. Crawford Jr. M.D. Award

This award is presented to the Cardiothoracic Resident who achieved the highest score on the annual TSDA In-Training Exam. Delivered by Marc R. Katz, M.D. MPH, Cardiothoracic Surgery Program Director

Fred A. Crawford Jr. M.D., Distinguished University Professor and Chair Emeritus of the MUSC  Department of Surgery has served MUSC since 1979. During Dr. Crawford's tenure, he transformed MUSC into one of the most prominent cardiothoracic surgery programs in the country.

Honoree: Jennie Kwon, M.D. 

John M. Kratz M.D. Teaching Award

This award recognizes the attending who the residents feel has had the most impact on their clinical education. Delivered by A.J. Sbrocchi, M.D. PGY-6.

John M. Kratz,, M.D., Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, dedicated 42 years to the Medical University of South Carolina. He has been a member of many MUSC Heart & Vascular Committees that have helped shape and transform the Heart & Vascular Center into a nationally-recognized center of excellence.

John Kratz Award

Honoree: John M. Kratz M.D. 

Vascular Surgery Awards

Tahlia Weis, M.D. Ph.D. Teaching Award

This award is given to the Vascular Surgery Resident who has best-demonstrated interest and commitment to Vascular education. By empowering others, the recipient embodies the values of our division and honors our first graduate, Dr. Tahlia Weiss. Delivered by Ravi Veeraswamy, M.D. Vascular Surgery Integrated Program Director

Tahlia Weis Award

Honoree: Ryan King, M.D. (pictured with Ravi Veeraswamy, M.D.)


This award is given to the Vascular Surgery Resident who achieves the highest percentile correct among their peers on the annual in-service exam.

Delivered by Adam Tanious, M.D., MMSc, Vascular Surgery Integrated Associate Program Director

Honoree: Tyler Buckley, M.D. 

Preliminary Surgery Recognitions

 Congratulations to our Preliminary General Surgery Residents. We wish you the best as you enter the next step of your career.

  • Casey Blanton, M.D. -- PGY2 Anesthesia at Indiana University
  • Marissa Di Napoli, M.D.-- PGY2 Willis Knighton General Surgery in Shreveport, LA
  • Jose Gallegos, M.D. -- PGY2 Anesthesia at NYU
  • Kristen Herring, M.D. -- Family Medicine Residency at McLeod
  • David Liu, M.D. -- Internal Medicine at University of Louisville

  • Agenor Paulino Dias, M.D. -- Vascular Surgery Residency at MUSC
  • Wesley Peters, M.D. -- PGY2 Anesthesia in UT Knoxville
  • Paul Pottanat, M.D. -- Orthopaedic Surgery Residency at MUSC
  • Michael Reynolds, M.D.-- Anesthesia at MUSC
  • Tony Rizk, D.O. -- IDR at MUSC
  • Erin Scott , D.O. -- IDR at MUSC
  • Brandon Sloan, M.D. -- St. Luke’s General Surgery in Bethlehem, PA
  • Ashley Stutes, M.D. -- Willis Knighton General Surgery in Shreveport, LA
  • Devaunsh Thaker, M.D. -- PGY2 Anesthesia at NYU

Max S. Rittenbury Intern of the Year

Awarded to an intern whose outstanding performance over the course of the year was recognized by faculty and peers. This person exemplifies excellence in patient care, teamwork, professionalism, and academic curiosity.

Awarded to one Categorical Resident and one Preliminary Resident annually. Delivered by Christian Streck, M.D.

Honorees: Allison Frederick, M.D. (categorical) and Michael Reynolds, M.D. (Preliminary)

Faculty Teaching Awards

These awards recognize our dedicated faculty who guide our medical students and residents through their training. Delivered by Residents

Faculty Awards

pictured from left to right: Barry Gibney, DO, Cathy Chung, M.D. (chief resident), Thomas Brothers, M.D., Colleen Donahue, M.D., Rana Pullatt, M.D., Andrea Abbott, M.D. MSCR, Robert Cina, M.D., Ashish Patel, M.D. (chief resident), Patrick Dennis, M.D. (admin. chief resident), and Michael O'Laughlin, M.D.(chief resident)


Colleen Donahue, M.D.: Best teacher amongst the ART surgery services

Lucas McDuffie, M.D.: Best teacher amongst the pediatric surgery services

Jorge Lagares, M.D. and John Sonfield, M.D.: Best teacher amongst our community general surgery rotations ( Roper, Tidelands, Florence)

Stuart Leon, M.D.: Best teacher on the ACS/Trauma service and burn service

Vinayak Rohan, M.D.: Best  teacher on the Transplant Surgery service

David Countryman, M.D.: Best teacher at the VA (VA General Surgery and VA Vascular Surgery). 

Barry Gibney D.O.: Best teacher on the  cardiothoracic surgery service.

M. Lance Tavana, M.D.: Best teacher on the plastic surgery service. 

Megan Walters, PA.: Best midlevel provider

Andrea Abbott, M.D. MSCR: Best resident advocate

Thomas Brothers, M.D.: Best teaching conferences

Robert Cina, M.D.: Attending least likely to remmeber staffing consults in the middle of the night

Rana Pullatt, M.D.: Attending cosidered to be residents #lifegoals

The Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society Award for Surgical Excellence

Awarded to two academically outstanding residents with the highest ABSITE scores. Presented by H. Biemann Othersen, Jr. M.D., Professor Emeritus and Chair of the Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society.


CPA Award

Honorees: Kevin Huang, M.D. and Graham Mercier, M.D.  (top photo) 

Curtis P. Artz (1915-1977) was a renowned trauma and burn surgeon who joined the faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina in 1965. He served as professor and chairman of the Department of Surgery until his untimely death in 1977. The Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society established this award to honor Dr. Artz and his commitment to surgical excellence.

The Wendell M. Levi Jr. M.D. Award for Surgical Leadership 

Awarded to a resident recognized for exceptional leadership skills over the course of their surgical training. Presented by H. Biemann Othersen, Jr. M.D., Professor Emeritus and Chair of the Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society.

Wendell Levi award

This award was established through a generous endowment provided by the estate of Wendell M. Levi, Jr. M.D., MUSC General Surgery, Class of 1960.

Honorees: Jane Kilkenny, M.D. (not pictured) and Patrick Dennis, M.D., pictured here with Dr. Othersen.

Transplant Surgery Excellent Resident Award   

Delivered by Jared White, M.D., General Surgery Associate Program Director

Transplant Excellence

Honoree: Chris Thomas, M.D.  (right) with Jared White, M.D. 

Burn Surgery Rotation Awards 

Burn Award

Professional Firefighters Association of South Carolina 2021-2022 Research Award

South Carolina Burn Center 2020-2021- “Best Intern” Award

Honoree: Andrew Cole, M.D. (far right), pictured with Ashley Hink, M.D., Deepak Ozthahil, M.D., and Aaron Lesher, M.D. 

South Carolina Burn Center 2021-2022- “Best Intern” Award

Best Intern

Honoree: Geoffrey Brown, M.D. (far right), pictured with Ashley Hink, M.D., Deepak Ozthahil, M.D., and Aaron Lesher, M.D. 

General Surgery Chiefs Awardsto be presented at graduation

Paul H. O’Brien M.D. Resident Teaching Award: Awarded to the faculty member determined to be most committed to resident education. The graduating chief residents select the recipient based on five years of mentorship, advocacy, and guidance. The awardee is an integral component of the residency program and makes a palpable difference in the day to day lives of each resident.

David J. Cole M.D. Professionalism Award: Awarded each year to the resident determined to best uphold the ideals set by our former Chairman, Dr. Cole. These include respect for peers, colleagues, staff and self; grace and fortitude under pressure; and service before self. This resident is voted on by the graduating chief residents.

Dabney R. Yarbrough III M.D. Research Awardto be presented during Surgery Research Recognition Day

Awarded to a resident recognized for excellence in research as determined by the MUSC Department of Surgery Research Council. Delivered by Michael Yost, Ph.D., Vice Chair of Research