College of Medicine Program Project Grants (COM-PPG)

Rationale and Requirements: The College of Medicine (COM) has expanded the team funding program for enhancing team science programs with strong funding and publication histories at the COM. The funding program will support research teams of three to four COM faculty members with different but complementary expertise to conduct basic, translational, or clinical research.

Priority will be given to research conducted in areas consistent with MUSC Health and MUSC Strategic Areas. Cancer research-focused teams are encouraged to apply to the Team Science Award at Hollings Cancer Center and NOT to this COM-PPG mechanism.

Team members (3 or 4 members) may have faculty appointments (must have primary appointment in COM as Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor faculty) in the same or different departments at COM. * The long-term goal is to successfully compete for PPG or equivalent multi-PI Grant support from NIH and to publish high impact research manuscripts.

Funds Available: $150,000/year (one team/year)  Duration: Two years

Progress Reports and Oversight: Progress reports at 6-month intervals will report publication and grant preparations and submissions. The goal is that a PPG, or equivalent team science-oriented proposal, will be submitted by the end of the funding period along with two publications.

Nomination: The research team’s PI prepares the Letter of Intent.

Letter of Intent (2-page limit) due by July 17, 5PM,- Submit here. Include the following combined into one PDF document:

  • Letter of Support from Department Chairs, The name, credentials, rank, department, and affiliation of each team member
  • The PPG or Center grant’s general area of research focus
  • List of potential cores and core directors; and, provide diagram of potential/proposed clusters
  • Summary of preliminary data and aims/goals for each project (or sub-project)
  • The significance and innovation of the PPG or center grant proposals
  • Integration of the Team and projects
  • In addition, please provide (not included in the 2-page limit):
      o PI and Project Leaders’ bio sketches (NIH format)
      o Publication history of the team members

Potential funding mechanism(s)
References cited
Selection of team applications (by invitation only) announced: Late July
• August 1-30: Application and PowerPoint presentation to describe the team, main ideas and summary of each project, with preliminary data, to the review committee.
• November: Full application (written): November 8, 5PM.
• December: Award anticipated mid-December

Application Format:
Page limit: 6 pages per overall program plus, per each project of the program
Components and suggested page limitations (One PDF):
  • Specific Aims (1 page)
  • Significance and Innovation (1 page)
  • Approach (4 pages)

In addition to these 6 pages, please include:

Letter of Support from chair(s)

List of Core Facilities that will be utilized with names of Core Leaders and Aims

-Clinical or public health relevance and relation to strategic mission
-Team science justification and joint publication list.
-1-2 year milestones for publications and grant submissions
Budget (NIH page 4 and 5, initial year and total budget period)*
-Budget justification; potential funding mechanism(s)

- Names and contact information for 3-5 intramural or extramural reviewers
- References Listed
* Up to $20,000 per year per PI may be used for salary support.

Note: All timelines and due dates subject to change.  Non-COM faculty are encouraged to review the Blue Sky Program.

Programming Quick Reference:

  • Bridge Funding - April 15th; August 15th; December 15th
  • High Impact Research Publications - April 15th; August 15th; December 15th
  • K-R Clinician Scientist Bridge Funding - December 15th
  • Translational Team Science - March 1st
  • COM-PPG - August 15th

Notes:   Program announcements are made in the Dean’s weekly newsletter sent via email to all COM employees.

If due date falls on a weekend the following Monday is the due date. All dates subject to change.