Current Participants

Below are copies of instructions you received at your visit.

MRI Instructions

In preparation for your upcoming MRI appointment:

  1. Please take all medications as prescribed.
  2. No alcohol consumption or illicit drugs (for example, marijuana) 12 hours prior to your appointment time.
  3. Also, try not to take any benzodiazepine medications (for example, xanax or klonopin), if possible.
  4. If you smoke cigarettes, you may continue to do so.
  5. If you have any questions please call 843-792-7500.


Actiwatch Instructions

Actiwatch User Guide Notecard 

Contact Info

Bipolar Disorder Lab: 843-792-7500

Enrolled Study Participant Emergency Line: 843-792-2300, Pager #13019

Enrolled Participant Text Line (non-emergency): 843-261-3885