Residency Program

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) psychiatry residency program offers a research track for residents committed to pursuing research careers. The DART Program is directed by Sudie Back, Ph.D., Sarah Book, M.D., Kelly Barth, D.O., Colleen Halliday, Ph.D. and Kathleen Brady, M.D., Ph.D. The research track can be integrated within any of the three main residency programs and encompasses the last one or two years of residency training. The goal of the research training program is to increase the number of psychiatrists with the skills to conduct patient-oriented research as independently funded investigators.

Selected residents participate half-time, in a well-coordinated curriculum that includes intensive mentored research rotations. Each resident is matched with an active researcher who will serve as the primary mentor responsible for guiding the individual's research experience in their principal area of research interest), and formal didactic seminar training in the skills typically necessary for a successful research career. These include methodological skills (e.g., study design, data collection, and statistical techniques), communication skills (e.g., written and oral communication, presentation skills), research ethics, and attitudinal skills (e.g., seeking and accepting advice, collaboration with colleagues). Seminars are held each week at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. While these seminars are mandatory for trainees in the research track, they are open to residents and students outside the program and all are welcome to attend.

As a trainee in the research track, residents will benefit from

  • Receiving individually-tailored, mentored research training
  • Assistance with designing research studies
  • Support in submitting applications to the university’s IRB and local or national funding organizations
  • Assistance with statistical design and analysis questions
  • Financial support to conduct research
  • Financial support to attend and/or present at research conferences
  • Assistance with preparing conference abstracts, manuscripts to be submitted for publication, and grant applications
  • The opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team of accomplished researchers from various backgrounds including psychiatry, psychology, pharmacology, nursing, and biostatistics

Application Procedure

Eligibility: Psychiatry Residents at MUSC and select Partnering Institutions

To apply, please have the following materials ready:

  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1 to 2 page personal statement
  • Name of primary research mentor
  • Two letters of reference, one of which should be from your primary research mentor who will be supervising your work in the DART program 

Apply here!

Applications and supporting materials should be submitted to Dr. Sudie Back by the deadline of March 1 of PGY2 or August 1 of PGY1 for Early Application. 

For more information, contact the DART Program Coordinator, Ms. Hailey Britt.