DART Program

The Drug Abuse Research Training (DART) Program at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is directed by Dr. Sudie Back, Dr. Sarah Book, Dr. Kelly Barth, Dr. Colleen Halliday, and Dr. Kathleen Brady. The DART Program offers three research training opportunities.  

The Resident Research Track can be integrated within any of the three main residency programs and encompasses the last one or two years of residency training.  The goal of the research training program is to increase the number of psychiatrists with the skills to conduct patient-oriented research as independently funded investigators. The program accomplishes its objectives within the same four-year time period required for clinical training and board certification in psychiatry. In addition, the training format qualifies residents for the new NIH Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program initiative.

The DART Program also offers a 10-week Summer Research Fellowship for undergraduate, graduate and medical students and a 8-week FLEX Research Elective for MUSC medical students.

For additional information, please contact us at DART@musc.edu.


    2024 DART Summer Research Day

Friday, July 26th, 2024

In Person at MUSC's Institute of Psychiatry


Keynote Address

Niranjan Karnik, M.D., Ph.D.

Friday, July 26, 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. EDT

Presented virtually via Zoom and in-person at the Institute of Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina.