Obesity Resources

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Obesity Resources

Medscape CME


  • Offers highly credible, rigorous, certified CME/CE programs through ACCME-accredited providers, at no charge, for health professionals on current research and management of obesity and obesity-related disease.

MUSC Resources

Weight Management Center

  • Access educational resources, weight loss tools, and information about MUSC's weight management services. Plus, information about current obesity-related clinical trials.
  • Free one-hour seminars are held at MUSC at 4 pm on the third Tuesday of every month to provide attendees with the chance to meet MUSC's bariatric surgeons and support team, learn about the procedures they perform, ask questions about risks and benefits of surgery, and begin the process of qualifying for surgery. 

MUSC Nutrition Services

  • MUSC Nutrition Services has approximately 30 Registered Dietitians that help patients reach their health goals. Educational resources are provided on their website.

Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina

Lighten Up Charleston

  • MUSC has partnered with local hospitals, schools and colleges, businesses, health agencies, physicians, and community leaders, to create Lighten Up Charleston website, providing community resources to assist local residents with the needed support to run a self-sustained weight loss program.

Patient Education

Center for Disease Control & Prevention

Apple vs. Pear

  • Nice graphic comparison of what central obesity does and does not look like. Great visual aid for patient education

Forms & Tools


  • Easy food diary form for patients to log and track their daily food intake.
  • Print these handy chart reminders (PDF). The Chart Reminders come 30 to a page and print using Avery 5266 labels; once printed they can be stuck onto your paper charts. 
  • The triage reminder (PDF) can be printed and posted in your nursing triage or intake room. (Contact your EMR vendor to add electronic reminders to your software system).
  • A good patient handout (PDF) about waist circumference measurement, compiled by the MUSC Measure Your Health initiative.
  • Easy logbook (PDF) for tracking patient waist circumference

Stroke Belt Elimination Initiative

  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the DASH eating plan as a model for healthy eating for everyone. Try DASH with a Southern flair (PDF) using this healthy cookbook, compiled and edited by the MUSC Stroke Belt Elimination Initiative.

Canadian Obesity Network

Obesity Organizations & Websites

American in Motion-Health Interventions (AIM-HI)

  • Redefines how family physicians communicate with and care for patients. Find all the tools you need to integrate the AIM-HI approach into your practice and community.

Diabetes Initiative of SC

  • Approved diabetes educational resources and community outreach programs for management of diabetes in South Carolina, including weight management tips.

Obesity Society

  • The main scientific and clinical professional association devoted to the study and treatment of obesity.

National Heart Lung & Blood Institute

  • A National Institutes of Health website addressing obesity and metabolic risk.

American Institute for Cancer Research

  • Experts estimate that overall, about 1/3 of cancers in the 1.4 million cancers that occur every year in the US could be prevented through diet and exercise. 


  • Features information addressing weight and obesity, including healthy recipes and non-diet approaches to healthy living. Download patient education materials or order free, colorful materials to be sent to you.
  • Use SuperTracker to get a personalized meal plan based on calorie results from the Body Weight Planner.

Healthy South Carolina Initiative

  • A statewide project funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Community Transformation Grant Program. HSCI seeks to support programs and strategies that focus on tobacco free living; healthier eating and active lifestyles; high impact evidence-based clinical and other preventive services; and health disparities and overall health improvement for targeted populations.

Healthy People 2030

  • National health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats.

Dr. Ann

  • MUSC alumnus and Charleston native, Dr. Ann Kulze, is a best-selling author, and renowned authority in the areas of nutrition, healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.

Obesity Videos & Presentations

The Weight of the Nation

  • Bringing together the nation’s leading research institutions, THE WEIGHT of the NATION is a four-part documentary presentation of HBO and the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and in partnership with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation and Kaiser Permanente.

23 & 1/2 hours lecture

  • Dr. Mike Evans addresses the single best thing we can do through our health through his innovative health messaging video.

The Doctor's Channel

  • An 8-part video series: Expert Interview Video Series: Highlights from the Obesity Forum.


  • In this PBS documentary series, "Fat: What No One is Telling You," the voices of real Americans tell the story of the biological barriers, cultural habits, and economic realities that contribute to our nation's expanding waistline.