About the MPH Program

What is Public Health?

Learn about public health sciences, research areas, and career opportunities within the field.

MUSC offers a Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in the GeneralistBiostatistics, Epidemiology, and Health Behavior & Health Promotion programs. The nation's transition to a new healthcare delivery model means that professionals with expertise in prevention and community-based research will be critical to ensuring adequate healthcare for all and improving the health of the nation. MUSC Master of Public Health degrees with Generalist, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, or Health Behavior & Health Promotion concentrations will assist in preparing the next generation of public health scientists and will help students develop expertise, research presence, and practice opportunities in population health and prevention.

CEPH Accreditation

Council on Education for Public Health SealThe Medical University of South Carolina’s Master of Public Health Program has been fully accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for a five-year term until 2027. We invite you to review MUSC’s self-study document and CEPH's Final Responses. 

For additional information regarding accreditation status or to view materials from the self-study’s Electronic Resource File, please contact Dr. JacKetta Cobbs at cobbsj@musc.edu.

MPH Program Concentrations

The Generalist program will have competency in the evaluation of the status of health of broad-ranging populations and in the development of rigorous plans and strategies to implement them.

The Biostatistics program is concerned with applications of statistical methods in biomedical and health-related fields. Biostatisticians are expected to provide expertise in data management and study design and are trained in the appropriate analytic techniques and interpretation of all data types.

The Epidemiology program deals with the systematic study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of knowledge for developing rational measures of prevention and control of deleterious outcomes.

The Health Behavior & Health Promotion program completes the equation by taking interventions into the communities that need them and developing effective communication and education strategies to empower individuals in their health care.

Program Requirements

M.P.H. student after hooding ceremony with her mentor

Each MPH degree requires the completion of a total of 45 credit hours, including coursework in your core field, along with an internship and a capstone project. The degree can be completed in four semesters.


Complete 180 hours of field placement in a comprehensive public health setting in the chosen concentration with local or regional sites. Internship sites include hospitals, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and pharmaceutical companies.

Capstone Project

A professional paper or report which is the culmination of the internship experience.

MPH Student Handbook (PDF)

MPH Admissions

Read about admissions criteria, application information, and deadlines for the MPH Program at MUSC.

Still have questions? Check out our MUSC MPH FAQs webpage or contact us to learn more about the program, admissions requirements, and application process.