Image of faculty working together in front of a whiteboard.

Leadership Development & Special Workshops

Leadership School

The Leadership Development series is designed for new department chairs and senior leaders. This multi-week course provides information to help orient new leaders to their roles within the College and the MUSC community. Topics covered may include appointment, promotion and tenure; conflict management; career development; education/teaching; finance; facilities; legal issues; mentoring; MUSC Foundation; and research. 

Clinical Finance Crash Course

This workshop is aimed specifically at clinical professionals to clarify the following: How can I figure out if a mid-level provider is in my best interest, financially? Why does my clinical income always seem to lag behind my productivity? How can I make a more credible argument to my Chair to invest in my clinic? What would a business plan for growing my MUSC practice look like? You can learn the answers to these and other questions in this four session training course. Enrollment is limited to COM faculty, Assistant Professor and higher in rank. An application is necessary and must be accompanied by authorization from Department Chair for release time to attend all class sessions. All learners will be expected to develop a project for clinical innovation as part of the course. 

Research/Grant Crash Course

The College of Medicine Faculty Affairs, Development and Wellness team, SCTR, and the Office of Clinical Research sponsors a grants administration training course that is aimed specifically at researchers. This course is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the research and financial systems of the university and address fundamental questions about how they apply to your work. The course will cover all aspects of grants administration that a researcher needs to know including development of a budget, management of direct costs and allowable expenditures, monitoring of finances and preparation of reports.